After cutting esports and delaying Diablo 4’s unveiling for some reason, Blizzard is not in the best moment in its history, at least in terms of how it looks like in public, and one more news sheds light on the development efforts at the studio which are not going as smooth as they should.

David Gibson, a developer who has just left the team, has indeed revealed that he has worked on a title over the last couple years for Blizzard and that it was cancelled before it could’ve been even revealed to the players.

In a tweet, Gibson said that “today is my last day at Blizzard. Unfortunately, you’ll never see what we made over the past two years that’s gamedev, but we’ll always have Overwatch,” apparently not reserving any harsh feeling to the studio.

He is right when he says that game development goes this way, projects get cut more or less abruptly depending on the situation and a lot of stuff doesn’t see the light of day despite being worked on for a lot of time at a certain team.

Executive producer Allen Adham had said in an interview with Game Informer that only 50 percent of the games that are worked on at Blizzard get actually released, as “the truth is, behind the curtain, it’s a horror show,” so this is nothing really surprising for people familiar with the makers of World of Warcraft.

Well, today is my last day at Blizzard. Unfortunately you’ll never see what we made over the past 2 years-that’s gamedev, but we’ll always have Overwatch. 🙂

I get 6 weeks off(I need it) until my next gig starts,info soon.

And one last time, my OW Reel:


— David Gibson (@PoodleTime) 5 giugno 2019