If you don’t already know of it, Blasphemous is a difficult action-platformer from Team17. It combines fast-paced combat with a deep narrative, making a game that fans of difficult, story-driven games have come to love. The Steam reviews only further exemplify that love, with 87% positive reviews on Steam. If you’re one of those fans, I have some great news for you. Blasphemous is getting a free DLC known as Stir of Dawn, which brings New Game+ and some fresh story content to the great title. Along with the update’s announcement, you can watch the official trailer below.

Blasphemous: Stir of Dawn, as aforementioned, brings New Game+ for those wanting more out of the game. You can start the game again with all your gear, but expect a more demanding challenge out of it as well. This will be more difficult than the already punishing title but should bring many more hours of fun too. Alongside this New Game+ comes new gameplay features such as a new optional “Three Penitence” system, new NPCs, bosses, stories, areas, and much much more!

With these updates, you can expect some better quality-of-life changes as well. For example, there’s better voice work along with Spanish support, allowing more to experience and enjoy Blasphemous. Other than voice work, there’s a revamped map system with additional fast travel, balance changes, and art reworks. With all of this, the regular game should feel and look much better for your New Game+ playthrough. If you’re hungering for more information, you can expect to see that from the game’s Steam news page in the coming weeks.

Blasphemous is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. You can expect to see the update hit all these platforms on August 4th, so get ready! You can also find some of Team17’s other news here since they released a fair amount today. We’d love to hear your thoughts though. How does Stir of Dawn look to you? Will you be playing it alongside the New Game+? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!