Despite being a pioneer of the Souls-like genre, Blade of Darkness is relatively unknown. But that does not take away from its charm. With simple graphics and straightforward objectives, it is now back. Will the chosen hero survive or perish in his efforts?

Blade of Darkness Features and Re-Release Date

The pioneer of the souls-like genre was first released in 2001. But three developer studios (Rebel Act Studios, Fire Falcom, General Arcade) have come together for a re-release. Here are some of the features if you’re new to the title:

Developers are breathing new life into the game. In addition to being updated for modern hardware, Blade of Darkness will be playable in 4K resolution. Display settings and overall stability have been improved as well. Aside from those changes, this updated version comes will all the story, gameplay, and content the original was known for.

You can find Blade of Darkness on Steam this October.