During its investor conference call, Activision noted that Call of Duty: Black Ops has become the best selling game of all time. The company spokesman said that “During the first quarter, Call of Duty: Black Ops became the best selling game of all time in dollars across the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in the United States and Europe and was again the number one game of the quarter.

Going stronger than ever, the company conference call also housed information about the success of the map packs for the popular shooter. The First Strike and Escalation Map Packs are outselling the Modern Warfare 2 map packs by a 20% margin. To top it off, the publisher noted that the Call of Duty Map Packs are becoming more popular than games releasing around them.

  • This article was updated on July 24th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Black Ops Map Packs More Successful Than ‘Most Games’

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