The Call of Duty franchise has always been multi-platform, but Xbox has always been the go-to platform for the series since last-gen. An exclusive partnership with them to get content first has always helped along with the larger fan base of hardcore CoD players, but the tides may finally be turning.

Microsoft’s grip over the Call of Duty series appears to be over with Black Ops 3, as they instead got the massive showing at E3 from the game. We get our first long look at the game’s campaign and multiplayer, which both look fantastic.

Xbox systems have always gotten DLC before PlayStation, but this new partnership means that PlayStation will be the one to get everything first, with Xbox likely getting it one month later as it has been in the past, just reversed.

That is not all, as it was also revealed that the Black Ops 3 beta will be coming to PS4 first as well, which will be a major help for the full game when it releases on November 6.

Make sure to stay tuned all day and for the rest of the week to Attack of the Fanboy for the best coverage on not only this game, but plenty more. For all of the info you may have missed yesterday, make sure to check out our Day -1 Wrap Up Video as well.

  • This article was updated on July 30th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / E3 / Black Ops 3 Beta And DLC Will Come To PS4 First

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