Black Adam may be multiple months away still, but producers are already ahead of the game. This may be due to the popularity of the upcoming Peacemaker show. Additionally, fans of all kinds of comics are looking for villain-centric stories now. With the widely popular Joker movie a few years ago and Venom picking up steam next to Morbius, the people have spoken. And it seems DC has caught on to this. Black Adam producer Hiram Garcia is hoping to make multiple spin-offs with HBO Max after it hits screens in July. This is after the recent release of the film synopsis, which could shed some light on where these spin-offs will go.

One for Black Adam, One for the JSA

As DCEU fans are aware, the Justice Society of America will be making an appearance in Black Adam. Not only do these characters play a key role in Black Adam, but a couple of the confirmed members are major players overall. Doctor Fate is a powerful sorcerer, somewhat like Doctor Strange. Of course, the major difference is Doctor Fate’s magic is powered by a cosmic being that resides in the helmet Doctor Fate wears. Whether this will be explored in Black Adam is unknown. However, it is the perfect thing for one of those Black Adam-inspired spin-offs. Further, Hawkman may be the perfect intro to the Thanagarian race.

Of course, we can’t forget Black Adam himself. The character is well-known in the DCEU, especially in modern comics. Specifically, he ends up becoming both a member and leader of the Justice League. With that in mind, there is plenty of room for Black Adam to grow on HBO Max. He is a complex anti-hero with multiple angles to explore. If anything, a Black Adam series may take the Peacemaker route and inject some comedy into his brand of justice.