In the newest weekend BitLife challenge, the King to Kingpin Challenge, your character must become king and join an organized crime syndicate. You must also become exiled once you become king. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to get exiled in BitLife.

How to Get Exiled in BitLife

Before you can become exiled, you must first become royalty. If you are trying to complete the King to Kingpin challenge, you will want to become the king of your country. However, if you are going for the Napolean achievement or a similar challenge, you can be any title as long as you are royalty. You can either use God Mode to select your royal status, randomly be born as a royal family member when you make a new character or marry into the royal family.

When you become royalty, you will have a public respect bar. Navigate to the royalty tab under Activities, and you will see this bar underneath your title. You will also find options such as Public Disservice and execution within this tab. Perform these acts repeatedly, and your respect bar will drop.

Eventually, as you perform more public disservice and executions, the public will be outraged by your actions. If they criticize you, you can denounce their accusations to make them angrier. You may also encounter events such as celebrity feuds that you can react to. Always choose unfavorable reactions that make the public upset. You will receive a pop-up notifying you that you were stripped of your fortune and will be exiled to a random country.

Once you become king and get exiled, you will have completed the first and second tasks of the King to Kingpin Challenge in BitLife. You will also complete the Napolean achievement. For more information about a previous BitLife challenge, visit our coverage here.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.