The newest BitLife challenge, the Office Olympian Challenge, has arrived! This week’s BitLife challenge tasks you with working a corporate job, pranking and even marrying your co-workers! By the end of this guide, you will learn how to complete the Office Olympian Challenge in BitLife.

How to Complete the Office Olympian Challenge in BitLife

The Office Olympian challenge has five tasks you will need to complete:

  • Work a corporate job in Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • Prank a single co-worker 5+ times
  • Get a promotion while working less than expected
  • Get a co-worker fired
  • Marry a co-worker

To begin, create a new character born in the United States. While you do not need to be born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, setting your birthplace here will make it easier to get a corporate job later on without emigrating. If you can’t find Scranton in your list of “Places” or cities, add a custom city named Scranton and create your new character using this place as your birth city.

Age up your character until you are old enough to attend university. Choose to pursue a university education and select a business major like marketing, finance or economics. If your character does not have a lot of money, having high smarts and applying for a scholarship will save you the struggle of paying off student loans later.

After you graduate from university, many of the full-time job listings you’ll find will have a “Corporate” tag beside them. Apply to any corporate job and succeed in the interview to become a corporate employee. Once you’re hired as a full-time corporate worker, you’ll have access to the job menu at the top of your screen. When you select it, go to your list of co-workers to view everyone that works with you. There are three different tasks involving co-workers you must complete:

  • Pranking a co-worker: Select the co-worker of your choice and select “Prank” near the bottom of the screen. Repeat this five times to complete the challenge. Your relationship with the co-worker will decrease, and there is a chance they will report you to HR. In extreme cases, you may be fired from your job! Make this one of the last tasks you accomplish.
  • Get a co-worker fired: Select the co-worker of your choice and select “Rumor” underneath the prank button. There is a chance that the rumor will result in the co-worker getting fired. However, there is also a chance that the co-worker will report you to HR. This will lower your performance and potentially get you fired. An alternative strategy is to report another employee to HR if they start a rumor about you. In some cases, the co-worker will get reprimanded or fired.
  • Marrying a co-worker: Pick the co-worker of your choice and befriend them. Once you have high relationship stats with them, ask them out. If they accept, keep a high relationship status with them for a few years before proposing. If they accept your proposal, you can arrange the wedding and become a married couple.

Lastly, to get a promotion while working less than expected, navigate to your job screen and select “Hours”. When you pick your hours, reduce how much you work. For example, if you currently work 40 hours a week, reduce them to 38 or 36. Work hard every year to maintain your job performance. While it will be more difficult and take longer to get the promotion, you will still receive it if you keep your work performance high.

Once you complete these five tasks, you will have completed the Office Olympian Challenge in BitLife. For more information about a previous BitLife challenge, visit our coverage here.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.