The newest weekend challenge in BitLife is here! For this week, you are tasked with becoming a crazy cat lady! You will need to own at least 15 cats including five crazy ones, and you will need to bring them all to the vet. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to complete the Crazy Cat Lady Challenge in BitLife.

How to Complete the Crazy Cat Lady Challenge in BitLife

The Crazy Cat Lady Challenge has five tasks you will need to complete:

  • Be born a female
  • Own 15+ cats
  • Own 5+ cats with high craziness
  • Own 5+ different types of cat
  • Take all of your cats to the vet in the same year

The first task is the easiest. When you start a new life, select Female as your gender. Once you create a female character, age up until you can obtain pets. In the Activities tab, navigate to Pets. You will have the option to rescue an animal in need, buy from a pet store, or buy a purebred cat. The purebred cats will be the most expensive, and the animal shelter cats will be the least expensive. If you are going the cheap route, adopting your cats from an animal shelter is the best bet.

When you are choosing cats to buy, you will see four stat bars. You will see the cat’s health, happiness, smarts, and craziness. When buying your cats, you will need at least five cats that have a red “craziness” bar. There are also numerous cat breeds you can choose from. If you are buying purebred cats, the cats will be sorted by specific breeds. Buying five different cat breeds from the purebred shop is the easiest way to accomplish this fourth task. However, the cat breeds in the animal shelter and pet store are random, so it should not be too challenging to find a variety of cats. If you are very lucky and have some money saved up, you can complete all of these tasks in one year!

For the last task, you will need to bring all 15 of your cats to the vet in the same year. There will be a consultation fee for each cat, so make sure you have a bit of money saved up before bringing them! Your cats do not need to be sick for you to bring them to the vet. If the cat is not ill, you will get a message saying that your cat is not currently suffering from any conditions. Otherwise, you will get a pop-up detailing your cat’s illness and the cost of treatment.

Once you complete all of these tasks, you will have completed the Crazy Cat Lady Challenge in BitLife. For more information about a previous BitLife challenge, visit our coverage here.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.