If you have a character that is an expert at committing crimes and getting away with them, you likely won’t ever need to bribe or run away from cops. However, for those that aren’t as skilled or don’t have a special talent for crime, you may struggle to get away with anything! Whether you’re attempting to complete a challenge or just want to escape from cops, learning how to bribe police will help you out along the way. This guide will teach you how to bribe cops to avoid arrest in BitLife.

How to Bribe Cops to Avoid Arrest in BitLife

To begin, create a new character and age up until you’re at least 18 years old. If you try to commit light crimes such as shoplifting or burglary at a young age, you won’t find the option to bribe the police. Upon turning 18, you’ll unlock crimes such as murder and bank robbery, which will have the bribery option added if caught.

If you successfully attempt to commit a crime, you won’t have to bribe the police at all. Instead, you’ll get away scot-free without any interactions with law enforcement, allowing you to proceed as usual. However, if your attempt is unsuccessful and the cops find you, you’ll be met with the following options:

  • Cooperate with the police, resulting in a peaceful arrest.
  • Insult the cops, which may result in your character getting insulted or beaten up.
  • Run away from the cops. Depending on your success, you’ll get an extended sentence or get away temporarily until the police find you again.
  • Attempt to bribe the cops. While they’re not guaranteed to accept, they may allow it to pass, resulting in you getting away without penalty.

In this case, since we’re aiming to bribe cops, select the last option. From here, you’ll find a slider indicating how much money you wish to offer to the police. You can give them as little as $1 or as much as your bank balance holds. Generally, the wealthier you are and the more money you give, the higher your chances of success.

It’s worth noting that while giving a massive bribe improves your chances of getting away with the attempt, it isn’t guaranteed to work. This is especially true if the police you interact with have high professionalism. There is also a chance that they’ll take your bribe and arrest you anyway. Typically, you aim to find unprofessional police who will take the bribe and release you. Doing this will give you the best chances of getting away with it. If they arrest you, you can also escape prison and re-attempt the bribe on another set of cops.

Once you successfully bribe cops to avoid arrest, you will successfully finish part of the Fatal Fashionista Challenge in BitLife. For more information about a previous BitLife challenge, visit our coverage here.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.