In this new BitLife challenge, we’re looking to become the a shrimp mogul by becoming Forrest Gump! You will need to be a male, play some college football, go to the army and fight in a war, become a fisherman, and have a son named Forrest. We’ve got tips on all of these things in out Forrest Gump Challenge Guide below.
BitLife Forrest Gump Challenge Rules
Here’s a look at the requirements to completing the Forrest Gump Challenge:
- Be a male Play college football Join the army and go to war Become a fisherman Have a son named Forrest
Forrest Gump Challenge Guide
First thing to make sure to be a male and make sure you’ve got pretty high health. You can raise this in the future, but it’s easier if you’ve got it high in the beginning. You also will probably want to be born in the USA, because I’m not sure if (American) football will be available to you if you’re in another country. Age up until you reach middle school and then check out the activities. Try to find football or any other sport and attempt to try out for it. There’s a hidden stat called Athleticism you can only see when you attempt to join a team. This is random chance, so you might not be athletic enough to join the team. If that’s the case then you’ll need to start your character over again.
Once you find a character that has pretty high athleticism, then I’d join a football team while you are in High School. I would also practice hard when you’re in school, which will hopefully get you to be captain of the team! I’m not positive it helps you with University, but you might be able to get a scholarship more easily if you’re involved in activities.
Now that you are in college, make sure to join the football team to complete the second part of the challenge. You should just be able to age through college because we’re not really concerned about the education at this point.
Now that we’re done with college it’s time to join the army. Look under Occupation and then Military to find the Army option. You can be an office since you went to college which will earn you some more pay. Age up and work harder to get promotions. Being deployed is random, so you might get it sooner rather than later.
When you are deployed you will be asked to clear a minefield! This basically puts you in a game of Minesweeper. If you don’t know how to play this then we’ve got a complete guide of it here. The basic idea is to identify 10 different mines without accidentally hitting one.
After you’ve gotten through your deployment, you will now need to become a fisherman! This is a random job that can appear, so if you don’t see it you can age up or close out of the app completely and look for it again. It seems pretty rare, I had to reset quite a few times to find it. Once you’ve come across it though, you can then apply and catch yourself some fish.
The final thing to do is find a significant other and have a baby. You don’t need to get married or anything, in fact that’s more true to Forrest Gump anyway! Make some sweet love, hopefully get someone pregnant, and then name your child Forrest to complete the challenge!