A director from BioWare didn’t have kind words when he saw the graphics in Fallout 4’s debut trailer.

BioWare senior director, Alistair McNally, didn’t have words of praise when he saw Fallout 4 for the first time last week.

McNally said on Twitter:

“You could just look at an old Fallout 3 trailer.”

Although, a sizable amount of people have criticized the look of the graphics of Fallout 4 when the trailer came out. Many people think the graphical quality looks “last generation”.

Some people say that the Fallout 4 trailer was just being honest. After all, we’ve seen graphical downgrades for games over the years. People were annoyed when Watch Dogs didn’t look as good as when Ubisoft first revealed it.

Not to mention Fallout 4 is a huge open world video game. It’s likely Bethesda couldn’t make the graphics too high res with the game world being so large.

Bethesda will be showcasing actual gameplay from Fallout 4 next week at E3. Only then should we be able to judge on the graphical quality.

  • This article was updated on February 21st, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / BioWare Director Calls Out Fallout 4’s Graphics From Debut Trailer

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