Directed by Thomas Vincent (Possessions) follows a married couple who face deep secrets from each other’s lives. In Role Play, Bill Nighy encounters Kaley Cuoco and her costar, but outside of him being a mysterious stranger, not much is known about what role he will play in the couple’s story. Production is in gear in Berlin at Studio Babelsberg.

Bill Nighy joins Kaley Cuoco thriller Role Play

Besides Role Play, Bill Nighy and Kaley Cuoco have been busy lately. Cuoco finished season 2 of The Flight Attendant in May, and later this month, she will once again voice Harley Quinn in the HBO animated series for its third season. She will join Pete Davidson in the comedy Meet Cute. Meanwhile, Nighy starred in Showtime’s The Man Who Fell to Earth with Chiwetel Ejiofor. He has a long line of productions coming with The Button Maker, Heidi: Queen of the Mountain, The Homeless World Cup, and Dragonkeeper.

Bill Nighy has had a vast career, winning a BAFTA for his performance in Love Actually and State of Play. He was also nominated for his role in Page Eight. He is known for films like Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Castlevania.