Big Brother 24 houseguest Brittany Hoopes may be hanging on by a thread, but she has no intention of going down without a fight. However, most of her energy is geared towards kicking Monte Taylor out of the house rather than establishing her place in the final three. At least that’s the picture she painted while speaking to current HOH Taylor Hale on Wednesday’s episode.

The episode saw the Big Brother 24 final four contestants compete for the Power of Veto, with Monte snagging the win. Meanwhile, Taylor put Matt Turner and Brittany Hoopes on the block, hoping the latter would somehow wiggle her way out after the veto competition. With Monte snagging the veto power he made it clear he intended to save Turner over the 32-year-old from Austin.

Brittany’s attempts to sway him proved abortive, as the 27-year-old deemed her untrustworthy. Hence, she adopted a new game plan, making a magnanimous pitch to the HoH and her onscreen bestie Taylor Hale.

Brittany Reveals Why Monte Should Not Win Big Brother 24

While speaking to Taylor, Brittany Hoopes vented her frustrations at Monte, and her decision not to vote for him. According to her, the personal trainer’s motive to vote her out during the next eviction would invariably take away her lifelong dream and hopes of starting a family.

Brittany, who has been vocal about her desire to use the prize money to conceive through IVF with her husband having lost her ability to conceive naturally due to a medical condition, went on to call out Monte’s antics. She believed he was simply riding on evicted houseguest Michael Bruner’s historic winning streak throughout the game.

Going further, the hypnotherapist credited her strategy with keeping Monte in the house. She believed he would have walked out the backdoor long ago if they hadn’t revealed Kyle Capener’s racist theory. Brittany Hoopes also accused Monte of taking credit for the strategies of other Big Brother 24 houseguests.

Despite her awesome pitch, Brittany knew she had a slim chance of surviving the next eviction. Hence, she threw in her last move, promising to poison the jury against Monte once she exits the house.

Brittany Believes Taylor Is A More Deserving Winner And Vows To Help Her

Aside from Monte, Brittany also expressed dissatisfaction at the idea of Turner landing the prize money of $750,000. She deemed her leftover ally, Taylor Hale a better candidate for the title and prize money. Hence, she hoped to make Taylor win at all costs. The Austin native admitted she wanted to sustain her friendship with Taylor long after the show. She also claimed the 28-year-old would understand her past betrayal as part of the game, and not take offense after finding out.

Meanwhile, she remained firm in her mission to do everything she could to help” Taylor win because she deserved it. Coming from Brittany, who has a history of scheming her way through the show, fans think her promises triggered alarm bells.

Considering she kept making references to her fantasies of seeing her and the professional stylist become the final two contestants, it appears she has something else up her sleeve. But then again, the reality star made it clear she would not mind if Taylor won Big Brother 24 over her. Here’s to hoping she stands by her words when it counts.