It all boils down to one moment on the show when Capener pointed out an all-black alliance from a prior season. Then he wants to form an all-white alliance to ensure the black alliance can’t happen again. What he seems to miss in his moment of tone-deafness was the fact that white people have ALWAYS grouped together and been given more opportunities as a result. It just wasn’t okay, period, point blank.

Big Brother 24 Fans Want Kyle Capener Canceled

Via RealityTea:

As soon as he pointed it out, though, the mood changed. He went from harmless Chad to enemy number one. Big Brother 24 fans want Kyle Capener canceled and evicted, and we tend to agree with them about this. To compare your struggles as a white person in any way with any minorities is gross. Perhaps de-platforming him will hit him where he will feel it most in the wallet.

But with a target as big as he has on his back now, even he knows his days are numbered.