Android users face malware attacks from various malicious actors from time to time. Last year, we saw several malware programs such as Alien, FakeSpy, and BlackRock affect Android, trying to steal user data. Now, a security research firm recently discovered a new malware that lures Android users to download a threat program on their smartphones using COVID-19 vaccine appointment messages.

Dubbed as the TangleBot malware, it was recently discovered by security researchers at CloudMark. It is similar to FluBot, which affected Android users earlier this year through the SMS system, and uses the same technique to convince users to download a malicious program to gain full access to the user devices. However, unlike FluBot that convinced users to click a malicious link by saying that they have missed a package, TangleBot tries to convince them by saying that they have a COVID-19 vaccination appointment.

Moreover, the TangleBot threat actors sent links that were said to contain new COVID-19 regulations in an area to lure users to click them. Once a user clicked on the link, a webpage stating that the user has an outdated Adobe Flash Player pops up. If the user opens the link to update the Flash player, the malware gets installed on their Android device.

So, if you come across such a message in your inbox that claims to provide you with a COVID-19 vaccination appointment or inform you about the new COVID-19 regulations in your area, do not click the link. Delete the message from your Android device right away to keep it safe from the TangleBot malware.