Fallout 76 is off a troubled first month, with issues surround both the game’s stability and features, and the marketing of the title.

We’ve reported about two major patches which are going to introduce more systems and polish the title, and also about a problem with the underwhelming quality of the Power Armor Edition.

It looks like troubles have not ended yet, though, as there’s been a customer details leak on the official Bethesda Support.

Basically, people logging into the website have had the opportunity to look at the personal information of the users and their tickets for a relatively short while.

“I went on the support website today, to update a ticket of mine, and surprisingly (or not…) I ended up being able to see all sorts of tickets, with people putting their personal information in them, like receipt screenshots, names, addresses and so on,” shared an user on the official forums.

“I’m assuming this is a bug in the website, because I don’t see for what reason Bethesda would make tickets public.”

Once again, Bethesda’s answer to this issue has been rather surprising, if not shocking: “Hi guys, we’ve resolved this issue.”

While we’re relived that this issues has been “resolved”, it’s only obvious that we’d like to have a in-depth explanation about what caused the issue and which were their consequences.

Fallout 76 is now available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Are you playing it?