Fallout 4 is one of the most anticipated, yet completely unannounced video games on the planet right now. Bethesda themselves haven’t even confirmed that they are indeed working on a next Fallout game, but that hasn’t stopped fans from keeping the rumor mill churning strong for the sequel.

Over the last year we’ve seen internet users fake domain registrations, create videos and alleged content for the game, lie about being “secretly shown” the game. More recently, the rumors have turned to a leaked video that alleges to show Bethesda’s Creation Kit tools for Fallout 4. You can check out the video below and decide for yourself whether you think it’s legit, but Bethesda is out again telling fans to ignore it.

Fallout 4 faithful don’t have much longer to wait for E3 2014, and it’s understandable that they’re excited. E3 is one venue big enough to house a Fallout 4 reveal or tease from the company, though to be fair, they didn’t use the tradeshow to reveal The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Much of what has been rumored in the past about Fallout 4 has been noise. There have been a couple of leaks that sound more plausible, however. A rumor of Bethesda scounting locations for the next game in the Boston area, seemed fairly legit. Later this rumor was backed up by leaked documents that outed a script for the game, confirming the location.

  • This article was updated on March 9th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Bethesda urges fans to ignore Fallout 4 rumors unless it comes from them

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