In an unexpected turn of events, Bethesda has announced its 2019 games are all coming to Steam, dropping the exclusivity for PC.

The move will also interest, “later this year,” Fallout 76, which will be re-releasing on Steam after the original November 2018 launch.

“We’re pleased to announce that RAGE 2, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, and DOOM Eternal will be released on Steam,” says a tweet from Bethesda.

“We will also be bringing Fallout 76 to Steam later this year,” it adds, precising those releases are dropping to upon the same day.

Looking at the timing of the announcement, it’s even surprising to see that these games are not coming to the Epic Games Store instead.

Anyway, among those titles, we only know the Rage 2 release date, which is fixed at May 14, 2019 also for PS4 and Xbox One.

The others will be dropping along the road during this year. DOOM Eternal is also joining Google Stadia’s lineup.

We’re pleased to announce that RAGE 2, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, and DOOM Eternal will be released on Steam as well as We will also be bringing Fallout 76 to Steam later this year.

— Bethesda (@bethesda) 25 marzo 2019