NHL 23 features new gameplay changes like last-chance puck control, presentation improvements, and some changes to X-Factor Abilities. Players can use abilities as Zone Abilities or Superstar Abilities, which can alter the effects of the ability. Equipping a Zone Ability is essentially the player’s X-Factor, so here are the best X-Factor abilities in NHL 23.

The best X-Factor abilities depend on what position you are playing and what archetype you are. For most players, the best X-Factors will be broken up into offensive and defensive abilities.

Best Offensive X-Factor Abilities in NHL 23

  • Wheels: Elite Skating Ability with PuckUnstoppable Force: Elite Strength with PuckMake it Snappy: Elite Snap Shot in StrideElite Edges: Elite Agility in Direction ChangesPuck on a String: Elite Stick Handling

Since players can only take one X-Factor ability, choose the one that best matches your playstyle. If you are a large powerful wing, Unstoppable Force or Puck on a String will allow you to keep the puck close as your power through the defensive line. If your player is a speedy, offensive player with quick moves and shots, Wheels or Elite Edges will allow you to maneuver around defenders with ease.

Best Defensive X-Factor Abilities in NHL 23

  • Shutdown: Elite Rush DefendingStick ’em Up: Elite Defensive StickYoink: Elite Defensive Stick LiftsTruculence: Elite HitterQuick Pick: Elite Puck Interceptions

Choosing a defensive X-Factor ability can be a little difficult since many of the abilities seem pretty similar. Again, the ability you choose depends on your playstyle. If your defensive prowess revolves around hitting other players and knocking them off balance, Truculence is a good choice. Or you can always play it safe and choose an ability that increases your speed or physicals. If you are a more technical defender, Stick ’em Up and Yoink are incredibly useful when using stick defense.

Once you choose your X-Factor ability, you can also equip other abilities as Superstar abilities, which do not give you as significant a boost as X-Factors. Choose the abilities that best complement your playstyle and X-Factor ability to create an unstoppable player.

For more on NHL 23, check out Who are the NHL 23 cover athletes? here on Pro Game Guides.