The glorious return of Demon’s Souls on PlayStation 5 was long awaited, and had us all very excited. We still are excited! Except… We remembered that we now need to go through all of those gruelling boss fights again, apart from this time they’re in stunning 4K! Can’t beat a good challenge though, so here are the best weapons to get you through the game.

Best Weapons in Demon’s Souls

For this list we have picked five of the best swords from different stages in the game. These weapons will be sure to improve your set and performance! 

Falchion (Starter)

The Falchion is a curved sword and stands as one of the strongest in the game. It comes with a Basic +10 as standard which is helpful, but it can also be paired with other combinations to become even more effective; such as Mercury to add a bleed-poison component or Tearing for more bleed in general. If you select to be of the Wanderer class at the beginning of the game, you will have this weapon by default which is handy.

If you picked any of the other classes then you will have to pay a visit to Grave Robber Blige, who has the weapon in his store for 1,500 souls. Before you can buy it from him, however, you will initially need to free him from a trapped cell in World 4-1. To the right hand side of the first fog door there is a tower with a copper key near it. This is the key that you will need to open the cell door. After that you can then find him in World 4-2 to buy the Falchion.

Kilij (Mid-Starter)

If you are fan of the curved swords in general, then the Kilij is also for you. Not only does it deal a bit more damage than the Falchion, it also has a better reach radius due to your character playing out a different animation when attacking - making it easier to get enemies from slightly further away. Upgrading the Kilij is similar to the Falchion, as the aforementioned Mercury and Tearing are suitable for it, but in addition to these you can also add Sharp. 

To find the sword you will need to venture to World 4-1 where you will find the Vanguard. Once you have taken on the boss you will encounter the Kilij next to a Well which is just to the right of the arena. A less reliable way to obtain this sword is to kill the Golden Skeleton just before you head into the boss arena. He is quite strong and oftentimes will not drop the sword at all - so it is best to grab it from the well.

Estoc (Mid-Game)

The Estoc is great for riposte counters and backstabbing due to it being a thrusting weapon. It is quite powerful and has a good damage rating, and if you consider yourself a master of precision then this is one of the better swords for you. It is one that is useful for going up against foes in metal armor, but will not break through a shield so bear that in mind. For upgrades you will most likely want to either go with Sharp or Fatal.

The Estoc is found in World 3-1. Make your way to the first floor and keep an eye out for a corpse with a Kite Shield and Fluted Armor. Break the coffins close by to reveal a hidden pathway. Once through the pathway look for a chest, and you will find the sword within it.

Uchigatana (Mid-Game)

The Uchigatana is not a final section weapon, but is one of the best for all-round stats. It is a fast Katana that has a high damage rating which begins at 95 and does not cause damage to its wielder (which is always useful!) There are other katanas which do have better stats in some areas, however, the Uchingatana also has a great bleed ability, meaning that enemies will keep losing health for a period of time after being hit. To improve its effectiveness you can also pair it with Mercury, Sharp or Crescent.

This Katana is also found in World 4-1 after killing the Vanguard. It is also sometimes dropped by Black Skeletons, or you can access the area where it is kept by using the Illusionary Wall secret passage.

Northern Regalia (Final)

The Northern Regalia is a bigger weapon than the others on this list, and requires two hands to use it. This means that if you are a fan of your shields, you will have to unequip them whilst you use this hulking sword. Despite it being a fantastic weapon, it is one acquired right at the end of the game. So, if you were hoping to get this fairly early on and slash everyone with it, then unfortunately that will not be the case!

In order to obtain this sword it must be made and cannot be found. Go to Blacksmith Ed (not Blacksmith Boldwin), and make sure you have a False King Demon Soul, the Soulbrandt and the Demonbrandt (these will be acquired after the two final boss fights). With these Blacksmith Ed can make the Northern Regalia for you in World 2-1 in Stonefang Tunnel.

With these five weapons you will definitely be able to tear through bosses and make your way through the game with slightly more ease than you would do otherwise! Don’t forget to upgrade your weapons as well to maximise their damage, and utilise different paths to increase their effectiveness against different enemies.

Despite all the weapons on this list being swords, some are more useful against armor types and scale types than others. Meaning that if you take the wrong sword into a world with lots of scaly foes or knights that are heavy set then you are in for a tough time.

Looking for more help? How about checking out the best armor in Demon’s Souls?