There are three starting classes to choose from after creating a new character in Remnant: From the Ashes. They all possess different weapons, armor, weapon mods, and most importantly, a single different trait.

The Classes

The Classes players can choose from all possess the same base stats, meaning the only difference between them is the gear they possess. Each one focuses on different ranges of combat and caters to the player’s preferred style of gameplay. All classes start with the Vigor and Endurance traits, and the Repeater Pistol side-arm.


The Scrapper Class begins with the Shotgun, Repeater Pistol, Scrap Hammer, Scrapper Set, and the weapon mod Hot Shot. It also begins with the Warrior trait. Warrior increases melee damage by one percent for a maximum of 20 percent when leveled up all the way. The Hot Shot weapon mod imbues shots with Fire Damage, increases total damage by 25 percent, and applies Burning to inflict 100 Fire Damage over 10 seconds. It lasts for 15 seconds.

The Scrapper is the close-ranged class and possesses the armor with the highest defense of the three. The armor set bonus also decreases any damage the player receives by 15 percent when wearing it while within five meters of that source of damage. It also increases the damage dealt by the wearer in that range by different amounts based on how much of the armor they wear. One piece is 7.5 percent, two pieces are 15 percent, and three pieces are 30 percent. This makes closing up with the starting Shotgun easy as players can tank more damage.


The Ex-Cultist Class begins with the Cultist Set, Coach Gun, Repeater Pistol, Scrap Hatchet, Mender’s Aura weapon mod, and the Spirit trait. Each point in Spirit increases the rate that Mod Power is generated by 1.25 percent, for a maximum of 25 percent Mod Power Generation. Mender’s Aura has two charges and creates a circle of healing that regenerates 10 HP every second for 10 seconds. The circle is only 2.3 meters but having the ability to heal shouldn’t be underestimated.

The Ex-Cultist Class has the second-highest armor of the three. The armor set bonus increases Mod Power Generation as well, increasing how quickly players can get their charges back. One piece gives 30 percent, two pieces give 60 percent, and three pieces give 100 percent more generation. The Coach Gun does less damage than the Shotgun but has better reload speed and a tighter spread to be more effective at a longer range. This class gives players more room to make mistakes and play around with mods very early in the game.


The Hunter Class begins with the Hunter Set, Hunting Rifle, Repeater Pistol, Scrap Sword, Hunter’s Mark Weapon Mod, and the Shadow Walker trait. Hunter’s Mark highlights enemies within 35 meters and all enemies marked have a 10 percent extra chance to land a Critical Hit. Shadow Walker decreases enemy awareness by 1.5 percent for each point, for a maximum of 30 percent. This makes it easier to stay undetected and take the time to line up headshots from a distance.

The Hunter Set has the lowest defense of the three starting sets. The armor set bonus reduces the weapon spread of guns by 20 percent. Additionally, for each piece equipped there is an increase in Ranged and Weakspot Damage. One piece increases the damage of each by five percent, two pieces by 10 percent, and three pieces by 20 percent. The Hunting Rifle has an innate 10 percent Critical Hit Chance and is best used at long range. The weapon fires relatively fast so getting swarmed isn’t an issue. The gear of the Hunter Class caters to a patient playstyle for players wanting to take their time landing headshots and disposing of enemies in just a few shots.

Obtaining Missed Out Equipment

All the starting classes begin with the same stats and each weapon and mod can be acquired later in the game. The three starting mods of each class can be purchased with Scrap from McCabe in Ward 13. The weapons and armor can be purchased from Rigs, the same person who can upgrade weapons and armor in Ward 13. Scrap can be earned through missions, selling items, and defeating enemies.

Traits can’t be purchased and have to either be unlocked through quests or other means like repeated actions or defeating Bosses. Shadow Walker can be unlocked by doing a Random Event called Hunter’s Hideout inside the Hidden Grotto. Spirit can be acquired by doing the Random Event called Supply Run after collecting the Monkey’s Key and opening the door in Sorrow’s Field. Warrior can be acquired by doing the Random Event called A Tale of Two Liz’s inside the Warren.

Making A Build

While the starting classes don’t do anything major, each one gets a headstart to making a build. Traits and armor sets that go well together can make a nice build and the weapon choice doesn’t always matter. Stacking Critical Chance, Melee Damage, or other stat bonuses can quickly make a player very powerful. Unlocking new traits only adds more to this and creates more combinations and ways to play.

Weapons possess different Critical Hit Chance and are important to keep in mind when building builds around a weapon. Elemental damage can be built upon as well to increases status effects or damage over time effects things like Burning, Radiated, or Bleeding.

The game has randomly generated areas that players can access so finding everything in one playthrough is difficult. This can be alleviated by replaying a planet multiple times and trying to get all the Random Events, unique items such as Rings, firearms, or mods, and fight all the bosses.

Play What You Like

With the game being so random with all the random spawns and missions, players will pick up different equipment from each other on their first playthrough. Finding what is comfortable and can increase survivability over min/maxing for damage might be preferable. The game can be completed with just the starting equipment so the game can be as simple or as complicated as the player wants it to be.

For more information on how to play with friends and other players online, check out How to play Co-op in Remnant: From the Ashes on Pro Game Guides.