Seelah is an incredibly powerful companion to players with a good alignment if built right. She starts as a somewhat slow Paladin who can tank well but struggles to hit her targets consistently. To fill out her character and build her into the terror that she can truly become, check out these strategies.

Seelah’s Starting Stats

Starting, Seelah is a Lawful Good human paladin without much going on in her build. She is a fairly clean slate that can be pushed into a multitude of directions. However, we’ll be building her into a somewhat lore-friendly direction that still feels realistic for her character.

Seelah’s Beginning Feats & Abilities

  • Dodge - Raises Seelah’s AC by 1.Pickpocket - Gives a +2 for Initiative rolls, and grants her access to Trickery and Stealth skills.Paladin Proficiencies - Proficient with all weapon, armor, and shield types except for Tower Shields.Alignment Restriction - Must keep to her original alignment of Lawful Good or lose access to her feats.Shield Focus - Increases Seelah’s AC by 1 when wielding a shield.Smite Evil - A Swift Action that can be used alongside another action and is extra effective against Evil alignment creatures and humanoids.

Seelah’s magic abilities are based on her Charisma, so useful magical abilities such as Smite Evil should be invested in through the Charisma stat. This will directly add to the attack rolls on these types of abilities. Then her Paladin level will be added to the damage rolls.

The most important stats to Seelah are Charisma, Constitution, and Strength. As previously stated, Charisma will help her cast magical abilities and spells. Constitution will directly affect how much health she has and how resistant she is to attacks. Lastly, Strength will directly affect her physical damage dealt and how much she can carry. Outside of these top stats, Dexterity can help increase her movement and grant her a higher chance to dodge certain enemies.

Skills Investments & Abilities for Seelah

Out of the skill options available for Seelah, certain ones make more sense than others. The options available from the start will be Athletics, Persuasion, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (World), Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Mobility, Perceptions, Stealth, Trickery, and Use Magic Device. Sadly, most of these options aren’t super helpful for Seelah however, players should consider investing in Athletics, Persuasion, Mobility, and Use Magic devices.

This is mainly due to her not being able to do much with these options. Increased athletics will also enable her to do more physically impressive things like scaling a wall, leaping, and swimming. Increased persuasion will give Seelah an advantage in conversation skill checks, such as negotiation, deceit, and intimidation. Mobility will increase Seelah’s movement speed and dodging, which increases her AC. Lastly, Use Magic Devices tends to be useful for most characters as it allows them to activate magical items.

Paladin Abilities by Level

  • 2nd Level - Divine Grace and Lay on Hands3rd Level - Aura of Courage, Divine Health, and Mercy (Fatigued)4th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil and Channel Positive Energy5th Level - Divine Weapon Bond (+1)6th Level - Mercy7th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil8th Level - Aura of Resolve and Divine Weapon Bond (+2)9th Level - Mercy and additional Divine Weapon Bond10th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil11th Level - Mark of Justice and Divine Weapon Bond (+3)12th Level - Mercy13th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil and Divine Weapon Bond14th Level - Aura of Faith and Divine Weapon Bond (+4)15th Level - Mercy16th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil17th Level - Aura of Righteousness, Divine Weapon Bond (+5), and additional use of Divine Weapon Bond18th Level - Mercy19th Level - Additional use of Smite Evil20th Level - Holy Champion and Divine Weapon Bond (+6)

Paladin Archetype, Spells, and Feat Choices

There are seven different archetypes or subclasses that players can choose within the Paladin class. These include Divine Hunter, Hospitaler, Divine Guardian, Warrior of the Holy Light, Martyr, Divine Scion, and Stonelord. Each of these offers a tradeoff of abilities/spells.

However, due to the type of tradeoff for each of these, Seelah shouldn’t take an archetype as it will make her weaker as a character. For players who want to choose an archetype, the best options for Seelah are Hospitaler for a more support-heavy build or Divine Guardian if players don’t mind losing out on all of their spellcasting.

All Paladin Spell Options

  • 1st Level - Bless, Firebelly, Protection from Chaos/Evil, Unbreakable Heart, Bless Weapon, Grace, Resistance, Veil of Heaven, Challenge Evil, Haze of Dreams, Lesser Restoration, Veil of Positive Energy, Cure Light Wounds, Magic Weapon, Stunning Barrier, Virtue, and Divine Favor.2nd Level - Arrow of Law, Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Effortless Armor, Communal Protection from Chaos/Evil, Aura of Greater Courage, Bull’s Strength, Litany of Eloquence, Remove Paralysis, Bestow Grace, Delay Poison, Litany of Entanglement, Resist Energy, Blessing of Courage and Life, Eagle’s Splendor, and Owl’s Wisdom. 3rd Level - Angelic Aspect, Communal Delay Poison, Holy Whisper, Remove Curse, Archon’s Aura, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Communal Resist Energy, Cure Moderate Wounds, Greater Magic Weapon, and Remove Blindness.4th Level - Greater Angelic Aspect, Chains of Light, Forced Repentence, Resounding Blow, Bestow Grace of the Champion, Crusader’s Edge, Holy Sword, Restoration, Mass Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Cure Serious Wounds, Inspiring Restoration, Shield of Dawn, Break Enchantment, Death Ward, Neutralize Poison, Burst of Glory, Eaglesoul, and Oath of Peace.

The majority of spell options for Paladin are support based which all work well for Seelah. In particular, spells that increase her AC or revitalize the party are the most useful for her build. While spells that add to her weapons can be useful, her role within the party is more about being the character to absorb as many hits as possible.

There are some great Feat choices for Seelah. These are a group of different types of abilities that players get to choose for their character every couple of levels. Only certain ones can be unlocked by specific character types, so we’ll go over the top options for Seelah.

Top Feat Choices for Seelah

  • Arcane Strike - For every Swift Action made on the battlefield, Seelah’s weapon will be imbued with power causing her weapon to gain a +1 to damage for the round after activating it and are treated as magical attacks. Every five levels to damage boost will increase by one.Back to Back - While flanked with an adjacent ally, Seelah will gain a bonus AC against those pinning the player.Cautious Fighter - While fighting defensively, her dodge bonus to her AC increases by two.Defensive Combat Training - This ability is incredibly useful for Seelah as it adds her total hit dice to her base attack role.

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