Our Best Saviors of Uldum Decks features the absolute top lists that are being tried out in the new expansion! The meta is going to be raw for a week or two, but we’ll be constantly updating this post with the decks that are proving themselves at a higher tier than the rest.

Saviors of Uldum is the second expansion in the Year of the Dragon! Hearthstone has been going through quite a bit of changes lately, this includes buffing cards which was practically unheard during the lifespan of the game. Nerfs have been coming out much quicker, and they even gave players some powerful new cards. There was even a Hall of Fame card rotation in the middle of the year! These changes have brought us to the new expansion, where we’re getting brand new Quests and the return of cards that synergize with decks that only contain one of every card. Blizzard appears to be trying to bring players back, so we’ll see if this dose of nostalgia will get the job done.

Decks will be filtering in and out of this list as we learn what is working and what isn’t. Early on in the expansion, these decks will be very raw and it will take at least a couple of weeks before things are refined and the meta settles in. Always craft cards with extreme caution in the early parts of an expansion.


  • 8/9/19 - 11am PT: Updated a lot of the deck guides, most archetypes are starting to settle in. 8/8/19 - 8am PT: All lists updated to the best versions! 8/7/19 - 6:30pm PT: Added Aggro Warrior & Tempo Rogue. 8/7/19 - 6:15am PT: Added Secret Highlander Hunter. Updated Murloc Paladin, Quest Priest, & Lackey Zoolock lists.

Standout Decks

Here’s a look at the absolute best decks so far! It’s very early in the meta, so expect a lot of changes in the near future. We’ve got the best decks by class further down the page.

  • Control Taunt Warrior Secret Highlander Hunter Highlander Reno Mage Murloc Paladin Quest Shaman Lackey Zoolock

Best Saviors of Uldum Decks

We’re featuring some of the best pro decks, and along with those we have some deck guides for you to better learn how to pilot some of these new lists.

Druid Decks

Druid walks into Saviors of Uldum with a top tier deck in Token Druid. The class will be getting some interesting cards in the new expansion, and could send Druid towards a slower style of deck. Elise the Enlightened could set the stage for a possible Highlander deck, and the class is getting another chance at a quest deck with Untapped Potential . In the latter case, you’ve got additional synergy with Crystal Merchant who also rewards you for passing the turn with unspent Mana.

Deck Guides

  • Quest Druid

Quest Druid

Token Druid

Hunter Decks

Mech Hunter has dominated the ladder for the later parts of the Rise of Shadows meta. It doesn’t appear to be getting much additional support for that deck in the new expansion, but is getting some different cards that promote a synergy that revolves around summoning minions. There’s also some Beast synergies, and Hunter’s Pack which helps the class with its weakness at drawing cards.

  • Secret Highlander Hunter

Secret Highlander Hunter

Secret Hunter

Mage Decks

Mage was looking a bit rocky at first, but it found some footing in the meta with Freeze Mage and cyclone Mage carrying it to the end of the Rise of Shadows. It now gets to look forward towards the potential of some Secret based decks, and going all in on some random spell shenanigans!

  • Highlander Mage Secret Mage

Highlander Reno Mage

Freeze Mage

Paladin Decks

Paladin had an okay recent expansion and was able to leverage Mechs to some success as well as getting some combo play with the Holy Wrath based deck. In Saviors of Uldum, it’s looking a bit muddled as to what Paladin will end up focusing on. There’s the potential for Murlocs, or they could go towards a small minion based aggro deck. The class also got a pretty powerful singleton card with Sir Finley of the Sands .

  • Murloc Paladin Mech Quest Paladin

Murloc Tip the Scale Paladin

Priest Decks

Priest did not have much luck in the Rise of Shadows meta, so we’ll be looking to see if they can find a foothold in the new expansion. There’s some potential for Deathrattle shenanigans with Wretched Reclaimer , and the class could go the Restore Health route and take advantage of the Activate the Obelisk quest.

  • Zoo Priest Obelisk Quest Priest

Combo Priest

Quest Priest

Rogue Decks

Rogue had some interesting options throughout the recent meta and even required some nerfs to take it down a peg. With Saviors of Uldum on the way, it looks like the class might have a chance to make some interesting combos happen with Anka, the Buried. They also got some more support for the Thief archetype that always seems to just bubbling under the surface and waiting to make its big splash on the meta.

  • Thief Quest Rogue Deathrattle Rogue

Tempo Rogue

Quest Thief Rogue

Shaman Decks

Murlocs have carried Shaman in the recent meta, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them used early on just to steam roll the unrefined decks that appear on the ladder in the early stages of a new expansion. If you’ve been a Shudderwock fan, the class has gotten some additional Battlecry deck support.

  • Battlecry Quest Shaman

Quest Shaman

Warlock Decks

Warlock did not have a good time in the Rise of Shadows meta and largely relied on Zoolock to carry it throughout. The new expansion looks to be pushing the class towards a Lackey based style of implementation. Other than that, the Quest makes Plot Twist Warlock more of a possibility.

  • Plot Twist Quest Warlock Lackey Zoo Warlock

Lackey Zoolock

Warrior Decks

Warrior rides into the new expansion with a couple of solid decks in its back pocket. Control Warrior is a powerhouse, but Bomb Warrior looks like it could do well in the meta if singleton decks are popular. There has been a lot of talk about how Bomb Warrior is going to kill the fun of this expansion because sticking those bombs in Highlander decks will shut off the ability to activate the cards! This is a legitimate concern, so we’ll see how things end up and if Warrior spoils the party.

  • Control Taunt Warrior Aggro Warrior

Control Taunt Warrior

Aggro Warrior