There are plenty of beliefs to choose from when establishing a religion in Civilization VI. These beliefs are broken down into four categories: Founder Beliefs, Follower Beliefs, Worship Beliefs, and Enhancer Beliefs. Each of these has its own benefits, and players can assign up to four beliefs of any type to their religion. Here are the best beliefs from each category in Civ 6.

Best beliefs in Civ 6 by category

Founder Beliefs

Founder Beliefs have benefits that only affect the player’s own cities. Because of the Kongolese Civilization’s leader perks, they reap the benefits of the Founder Beliefs of any dominant religion in their cities.

  • World Church (best for Culture Victory) – Gain one Culture Point for every four followers of this religion.Cross-Cultural Dialogue (best for Science Victory) – Gain one Science Point for every four followers of this religion.

Follower Belief

Follower Beliefs benefit all cities where this religion has majority control. The Indian Civilization is the only exception to this, as they reap the benefit of any religion with at least one follower in their cities.

  • Choral Music (best for Culture Victory) – Shrines and temples produce Culture Points at the same rate as their intrinsic Faith Points.Feed the World (best to accompany Faith Victory) – Shrines and temples produce Food at the same rate as their intrinsic Faith Points. In the Gathering Storm DLC, shrines and temples produce two Housing and three Food.

Worship Belief

The Worship Belief allows civilizations who follow this religion to construct a special building, with each giving its own unique perks. These buildings can be purchased using Faith Points, but construction is limited to one per Holy Site.

  • Cathedral (best for Culture Victory) – Gain one Great Work of Religious Art Slot, three Faith Points, and one Citizen Slot.Mosque (best for Religious Victory) – Allows Missionaries and Apostles purchased at this Holy Site to spread their religion one more time. Mosques also produce three Faith Points and provide one Citizen Slot. In the Gathering Storm DLC, an additional Faith Point is gained for every Specialist in this district.Wat (best for Science Victory) – This building produces three Faith Points, two Science Points, and provides one Citizen Slot.

Enhancer Belief

This Belief type serves the purpose of enhancing the player’s religion, hence the name, as well as preventing the spread of opposing religions. Similar to the Founder Belief, this benefit only applies to the player’s cities and any Kongolese cities following this religion.

  • Crusade (best for Domination Victory) – Grants Combat units an additional ten Combat Strength when near foreign cities following this religion.Scripture (best for Religious Victory) – The player’s religion spreads with 25% more pressure to adjacent cities. This is increased to 50% after completing the Printing Scientific Research Tech.