PUBG Mobile has been around for a while, and I’m sure most of you are aware of the best gameplay strategies, weapon loadouts, and team-tactics that work for you. However, with the addition of the new Payload Mode in the game, the stakes have changed. Weapons are more destructive, new features have been added, and there’s a lot more that’s new. Here are some tips and tricks that should help your squad win at Payload Mode.

When you land somewhere in Payload Mode, you’ll find a lot of heavy weapons just lying around like regular loot. There’s the new RPG, the Stinger, a Terminator-style machine gun, grenade launchers, Air Strike beacons, and so much more. It can quickly get overwhelming, choosing the best combinations of weapons since you can still only carry two primary weapons and a secondary weapon.

Payload Mode also brings “Super Weapon Crates” into the game. These are basically airdrops that pop out from under the ground, so I guess we could call them ground-pops (just kidding). These appear in three random locations on the map simultaneously and are marked on the mini map. One of the easiest ways to get awesome weapons is to gear up just enough to survive and then loot these Super Weapon Crates. Take a chopper and head over to the spot marked on the map.

Helicopters are spread out over the map in Payload Mode. These are great for quickly getting across the map, and will be your greatest allies in getting to Super Weapon Crates that appear on the mini-map and bring Air Drop level loot, including Level 3 gear, AWMs, machine guns, 8x scopes, air strike beacons, and more.

While the choppers themselves don’t have any attached guns or missiles (god, I wish they did, it would’ve been ridiculous… but probably unfair to players on the ground), your teammates can fire while they are in the helicopter. There’s a funny thing here, when you shoot from the helicopter you’ll find yourself sitting on the side-wings. It looks dangerous.

The new amphibious BRDM-2 armoured vehicle may need to be called via a flare gun in regular game modes, but Payload Mode just puts these right on the map. There aren’t a lot of them around though, but you can find one inside garages, for the most part. Get inside one of these, and you can traverse the map relatively safely thanks to their bulletproof tires, and the fact that they can basically become a boat if you run them into water.

One of my personal favourite features in the new Payload Mode is the addition of player ID tags. If a teammate dies, you can head over to their crate, and pick up their ID tag within a set time and then head over to a communication tower to recall your teammate. These towers are marked with blue dots on the mini map.

Remember that your teammate will arrive without any of their weapons, gear, or throwables on them, so be a good pal and give them some weapons. Or better yet, take them back to where they died and help them loot their own crate. It’s a little dark, but it’s fun.

Another cool feature in Payload Mode is the fact that you can now apply bandages in quick succession until you reach 75% HP. Plus, you can apply bandages, or consume healing items while you’re running, or in a vehicle. This makes it easy to heal while ensuring you don’t get sniped by someone far away. It’s also helpful if you’re running from the Blue Zone and need to heal or get that speed boost.