Assuming you’ve gathered all of the Discard cards in Pool three, you now have access to potentially one of the strongest decks in Marvel Snap. While Pool one and two feature low curves with strong finishers, having access to all the cards in Marvel Snap, specifically the Discard cards, changes the deck from an aggro strategy to a synergistic combo deck.

Best Pool 3 Discard deck in Marvel Snap and how to play

  • Blade Colleen Wing Morbius Swarm Lady Sif Lockjaw Swordmaster Dracula Hellcow America Chavez Apocalypse Hela

Pool three almost completely changes the makeup of the deck and its strategy when held up to Pool one and two. In Pool three, the aggro strategy is traded out for pure synergy. Unfortunately for Wolverine, the synergy actually becomes so strong that the deck can afford to drop the card as an outlet, replacing him and the lower curve with new synergy like Colleen Wing, Hell cow, Dracula, and Hela.

How to play Pool 3 Discard in Marvel Snap

Piloting this deck is fairly straightforward, as discarding certain cards is much less punishing with Hela around. However, you do want to prioritize keeping Lockjaw, Morbius, and Dracula in hand if possible to guarantee they’ll be around and benefit from your plays throughout the game. Lockjaw is here to potentially pull one of your late-game finishers early and for cheap. Morbius serves as a continually growing threat as you empty your hand.

Lastly, Dracula is terrifying for opponents to play near due to the random nature of his power. Lastly, Hela is your late-game bomb to drop on opponents, and likewise is the one card you never want to hit with a discard. While you can still pull out wins after discarding Hela, she provides such a massive swing in power that you’ll want to keep her around as much as possible.

Want more information on Marvel Snap? Head over to How to counter a Destroy Deck in Marvel Snap and How to get Viper in Marvel Snap from Pro Game Guides!