With Fade being a Mobile-Exclusive character in Apex Legends Mobile, players are bound to spend their opening hours of the game trying to master his abilities. Truthfully, the Legend’s powers can seem quite bland and underwhelming at first glance, but there is one method of skyrocketing his potential. This can be done by adding a variety of perks to Fade from the Legends menu, though there is a specific set of three perks that make him nearly impossible to bring down.

Best General Perk for Fade: Punisher’s Remorse

Perk cost: Five Fade Tokens

One of the best and last perks you’ll be obtaining from Fade’s skill tree is Punisher’s Remorse — and for good reason. When equipped, the perk allows Fade to use his Tactical ability, Flash Back, when he is knocked down. So, as long as it’s recharged, you will be able to teleport to a previously visited spot while on the ground. As opponents earn perk bonuses for using Finisher moves, the perk is a must-have for avoiding these attacks. It also works wonders when your teammates need you to crawl back to safety in order to be revived.

Best Finisher Perk for Fade: Tactical Advantage

Perk cost: Three Fade Tokens

With Punisher’s Remorse applied, there is no better perk to pair it with than Tactical Advantage. The aptly-named perk essentially restores the Flash Back Tactical ability directly after performing a Finisher. Thus, if you happened to be knocked after using a Finisher, the Tactical will become available instantly for you to make a safe exit.

Best Ability Perk for Fade: Pact of the Suit

Perk cost: One Fade Token

It may be one of the first perks you unlock for Fade, but Pact of the Suit is debatably the best the Legend has to offer. That’s because it allows him to regain shield while using the Flash Back Tactical — and you can likely tell where we’re headed with this. When combined with Tactical Advantage, Fade can activate Flash Back upon performing a Finisher to not only escape from any nearby enemies, but also heal from the previous battle. In sum, this setup may not bolster Fade’s Ultimate or Passive, but it practically turns Flash Back into something far better than both.