The PDSW 528 has the potential to be the best weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for assertive gunners who constantly rush the competition. Although the ultralight Fennec 45 does gift the highest possible mobility and fire rate of all SMGs, the PDSW 528 has the damage and range to ensure your forceful strategy results in numerous eliminations. Thus, the gun’s greatest build should revolve around making it the fastest in the category and perfect for stealthy play. This guide will examine the PDSW 528’s best attachments and how they will impact your performance in MW2’s multiplayer.

Best PDSW 528 attachments and class setup in MW2

It is important to note that the base PDSW already holds stellar recoil control and accuracy, so there is no need to have attachments that improve them. Instead, this loadout should focus entirely on catapulting the gun’s ADS time, sprint-to-fire time, and supplied player movement speed. This will result in you being difficult to catch by snipers and far too fast in close-combat situations against all assault rifles and SMGs that aren’t the almighty FSS Hurricane. You can find the PDSW’s best add-ons and perks below.

  • Muzzle: Xten RR-40Rail: Integrated ReflexStock: CQB StockComb: TV TaccombRear Grip: Bruen Q900Perk PackageBase Perks: Double Time, TrackerBonus Perk: Fast HandsUltimate Perk: Ghost

Unlike most weapons, you will only need to level up the PDSW in order to get its greatest attachments, as it is a part of its own Weapon Platform. The best add-on of all is surely the Integrated Reflex, a rail that provides one of the only optics that actually increases your overall movement speed. However, in order to be a staggering force from close range, you will have to apply the CGB Stock, TV Taccomb Comb, and Bruen Q900 Rear Grip. Pairing these ultimately allows the PDSW’s mobility stats to match that of the Fennec, supplying you with an abundance of ADS, sprint, and sprint-to-fire speed.

As always, bolstering the speed of your loadout does dampen the weapon’s range and recoil control. Luckily, the Xten RR-40 muzzle restores these traits back to their impressive capabilities, all while also giving you a sound suppressor. This lets you remain mute to nearby enemies when you fire, though your stealthiness can get even better. That’s because the Ghost Ultimate Perk can leave you off of all radars, while Base Perk Tracker displays all enemy footprints close by.

Speaking of perks, you can then apply the Fast Hands to have your reloading time take just under two seconds. The Double Time perk should then finish off your Perk Package, as it doubles the length of your Tactical Sprint ability. Some may want to opt for Scavenger in order to get additional ammo, though the Munitions Box Field Upgrade does make for an excellent substitute.