Skuntank has the Poison/Dark Typing, giving it just one weakness. This typing has many resistances and a Psychic immunity. Skunktank also has a high Attack stat with decent Special Attack and Speed. While its Defense and Special Defense aren’t terrible, its Typing makes it pretty bulky. It has access to many good Physical and Special moves, making Natures that decrease Attack or Special Attack less desirable. That being said, a fully Physical Skuntank will deal lots of damage, and a Neutral or offensive-stat-boosting Nature will be the best for it.


Skuntank’s natural bulk and diverse movepool give players many options for how to use it. These are the pros and cons for its best Natures.

Neutral Natures

Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Serious, and Quirky Natures all increase and decrease the same stat by 10 percent, making no change to a Pokémon’s stats. These are arguably the best Natures for Skuntank as it has both Physical and Special moves in its Learnset and moves learned from Zisu. Lowering its Defense or Special Defense only increases the chance of being knocked out in battle and lowering either is Attack or Special Attack lower its offensive capabilities. With a Neutral Nature, Skuntank can use any of its damaging moves, increasing its coverage. This includes Physical moves such as Night Slash or Poison Jab and Special moves such as Flamethrower or Shadow Ball. With the moves Night Slash, Poison Jab, Play Rough, and Flamethrower, Skuntank has coverage for Psychic, Ghost, Grass, Fairy, Steel, Ice, Bug, Fighting, and Dragon Type Pokémon.

Offensive Natures

When deciding on an offensive Nature, it can be difficult to figure out which stat to decrease. Lowering Skuntank’s Speed stat makes it more likely that opposing Pokémon will move twice in a row. That said, it might be the only stat that players want to lower if they run a mixed Skuntank with both Physical and Special moves. Otherwise, players can choose Natures like Adamant or Modest for a purely Physical or purely Special Skuntank, respectively. Adamant Nature increases Attack and decreases Special Attack by 10 percent, whereas the Modest Nature increases Special Attack and decreases Attack by 10 percent.

For a purely Physical Skuntank with an Adamant Nature, the moves Poison Jab, Night Slash, Play Rough, Shadow Claw, Iron Tail, Double Edge, and Giga Impact will deal more damage. For a purely Special Skuntank with a Modest Nature, the moves Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Sludge Bomb, and Shadow Ball will deal more damage.

Speed Natures

Rather than increasing Skuntank’s Attack or Special Attack, increasing its Speed will give it the edge it needs against Pokémon with similar Base Speeds. This runs into the same issues that both Adamant and Modest Natures do, however, as Natures that decrease Skuntank’s defensive stats aren’t usually a good option. This leaves just Jolly or Timid Nature as Natures that increase a Pokémon’s Speed. Jolly Nature increases Speed while lowering Special Attack by 10 percent, and Timid Nature increases Speed while lowering Attack by the same amount. Whichever stat is lowered will determine what moves will do more damage, so if players prefer Skuntank’s Physical moves, Jolly is preferable, and if players prefer its Special moves, then Timid is preferable.

Skuntank’s Stats And Moves

Poison/Dark is a very good defensive Type because of how many resistances it has. Skuntank is resistant to Poison, Ghost, Grass, and Dark with an immunity to Psychic moves. With a large diversity of moves, Skuntank covers many Pokémon Types.


  • HP - 103Attack - 93Defense - 67Special Attack - 71Special Defense - 61Speed - 84


  • Tackle - Physical Normal move learned at Level 1 and Mastered at Level 10. 40 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 30 PP.Acid Spray - Special Poison move learned at Level 6 and Mastered at Level 15. 40 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 20 PP. Has a chance of lowering the target’s defensive stats.Poison Gas - Status Poison move learned at Level 11 and Mastered at Level 20. 90 Accuracy with 20 PP. It inflicts the Poisoned Status Effect on the target.Venoshock - Special Poison move learned at Level 18 and Mastered at Level 28. 65 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP. This move’s Power is doubled when used against a Pokémon that is Poisoned.Night Slash - Physical Dark move learned at Level 25 and Mastered at Level 35. 70 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP. This moves has a high chance of landing a critical hit.Poison Jab - Physical Poison move learned at Level 34 and Mastered at Level 45. 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP. This move has a chance of Poisoning the target.Flamethrower - Special Fire move learned at Level 34 and Mastered at Level 45. 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 10 PP. This move has a chance of Burning the target.Double-Edge - Physical Normal move learned at Level 43 and Mastered at Level 54. 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 5 PP. The user takes recoil damage of 33 percent of the damage dealt.

Learned From Zisu

  • Rock Smash - Physical Fighting move with 40 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 20 PP. Has a chance of lowering the target’s defensive stats.Swift - Special Normal move with 40 Power, can never miss, and 20 PP.Focus Energy - Status Normal move with 20 PP. The move increases the Pokémon’s critical hit chance.Rest - Status Psychic move with 10 PP. The Pokémon heals itself to full and removes any Status Condition it has. It then becomes Drowsy.Shadow Claw - Physical Ghost move with 70 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP. This move has a high chance of being a critical hit.Iron Tail - Physical Steel move with 100 Power, 75 Accuracy, and 5 PP. Has a chance of lowering the target’s defensive stats.Sludge Bomb - Special Poison move with 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 10 PP. Has a chance of Poisoning the target.Shadow Ball - Special Ghost move with 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 10 PP. Has a chance of lowering the target’s defensive stats.Snarl - Special Dark move with 60 Power, 100 Accuracy, and 15 PP. Lowers the target’s offensive stats.Giga Impact - Physical Normal move with 120 Power, 90 Accuracy, and 5 PP.Play Rough - Physical Fairy move with 85 Power, 90 Accuracy, and 10 PP. Has a chance of lowering the target’s offensive stats.Hyper Beam - Special Normal move with 120 Power, 90 Accuracy, and 5 PP.Dark Pulse - Special Dark move with 80 Power, can never miss, and 10 PP.

For more Nature guides, check out Best Nature for Barboach and Whiscash in Pokémon Legends: Arceus on Pro Game Guides.