If you have Yoimiya or Kuki Shinobu, you probably realized that you’re gonna need Naku Weed to ascend them. Just like any other Local Specialty item, you need a grand total of 168 per character you wish to fully ascend — the difference here is Naku Weed is a huge pain to farm. Naku Weed only grows in areas near Balethunder or areas with potent Electro energy, such as Amakumo Peak. Worse yet, they grow very sparsely, causing you to have to cover a lot of ground to find them all. We’ve ironed out a quick route to get a lot of Naku Weeds with little headache, so here’s our best Naku Weed farming route in Genshin Impact.

Some prep work to make this a little easier — if you have Gorou, it wouldn’t hurt to have him on point, as his passive Seeker of Shinies pinpoints Naku Weed (along with other Inazuma-only items) on your mini-map. We recommend also crafting some stamina-boosting food, such as Spicy Stew (Cream Stew made by Barbara) or A Buoyant Breeze (Barbatos Ratatouille made by Venti.) We also recommend making a handful of Cold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies to replenish your Stamina, though this is not necessary.

It’s estimated that this entire run will take you around 20 to 25 minutes, assuming you do not engage enemies along the route. Finally, it’s recommended that you have a handful of quests completed, as these grant access to areas absolutely flush with Naku Weed. These quests are as follows:

  • Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual (3 Naku Weed)Tatara Tales (~20 Naku Weed — only need to complete up to the part where you shatter the shield surrounding Tatarasuna. There are also three Naku Weed hidden in the cave locked behind a gate that requires three keys, as well.)Orobashi’s Legacy (5 Naku Weed — only need to complete Part 3 to unlock the Jakotsu Mine)Seirei Stormchasers (~65 Naku Weed — this is the big one, and you should complete it to remove the static shield around Amakumo Peak)

Start at the Grand Narukami Shrine and follow the path laid out above by heading east. You’ll slowly make your way down the mountainous path, but once you hit the bottom of Mt. Yougou, you’ll have to climb up to get the last two nodes southwest of the start point. Teleport to Konda Village and snag the three down south at the Byakko Plain — they are located in the cave containing one of the Sacred Sakura Trees.

Teleport to the Waypoint in between the Kujou Encampment and the Statue of the Seven on Tatarasuna. Just north of this Waypoint are three Naku Weed surrounding a Thunder Sakura. Teleport to the Waypoint indicated by the T in the above screenshot at Tatarasuna. While this area has a lot of verticality, Naku Weed only grows near the water at the bottom, so jump and glide down following the route around the central area. Once finished, teleport to the Statue of the Seven at Fort Fujitou.

This area is relatively simple, glide down to the west and follow the river northeast, bouncing from side to side to grab the Naku Weed on both sides of the river. Once finished, teleport to the Waypoint north of the Jakotsu Mine.

Drop down into the mine and grab the five Naku Weed here before teleporting to Koseki Village in Seirai Island.

You will notice in this route that we skip the Naku Weed located in the broken ship cavern “Seiraimaru”. This area is a pain to navigate, and not worth your time unless you really want to get every single Naku Weed possible per respawn, so we have left them marked for your convenience. Once you’ve gathered as many as you want, teleport to the Waypoint near Fort Hiraumi.

Drop down to the west and gather the three Naku Weed below the Waypoint before teleporting back up to the same Waypoint. Head north towards the Domain to get the remaining four on this Island, then teleport to the East to gather the three Naku Weed on the tiny island there. Once finished, teleport to the northwest-most Waypoint at Amakumo Peak.

Circle the island counter-clockwise, running along the path until you’ve gathered all of the Naku Weed. There are a few one-off Naku Weed nodes scattered outside of the route, which you can gather at your discretion. Once completed, congratulations! You should have gathered approximately 100 Naku Weed. You can repeat this route after 48 hours have elapsed, or you can ask a friend to steal their nodes in their world if you need more.