With Minecraft servers being as popular as they are, it can be difficult for you to distinguish between good or bad servers of a specific type. In this guide, we will cover all the best servers we’ve found that have Prison mods. This means we’ll be including Megaservers with great Prison sections rather than focus on Prison-only servers.

We took in several factors to determine the best Prison servers: popularity, rating, difficulty, and variety. With this list, you will find some of the best Prison setups available. However, we’re always open to more possible options. If you think a Prison server deserves to be on this list, feel free to message the details to us at [email protected]!

The Shortlist

  • MCPrison: play.mcprison.comPurple Prison: purpleprison.orgWild Prison: play.wildprison.netOPBlocks: play.opblocks.comMCCentral: play.mccentral.org

Before you continue, we’d like to note: These are not in any specific order. Labeling something as the best depends entirely on what you like!

Best Minecraft Prison Servers

We have provided the IP, a screenshot or trailer, and a brief description to tell you what you’ll find for each server listed below.


Server IP: play.mcprison.com

MCPrison has been around since Minecraft started becoming popular. Since then, they have ramped up the prison server to include all the bells and whistles of the most popular prison servers, but in a much more neat and organized way. What you see above (robots) are one of the many extra features they have that help you on your way to ranking up. They provide frequent updates and revamp their servers with new features every couple of months, and even feature popular YouTubers in their servers!

Purple Prison

Server IP: purpleprison.org

Purple Prison is possibly the most well-known prison server because it seems to be replacing many of the most popular servers available. Although many people who join might initially consider the server to be sensory overload, you’ll find that it lives up to its hype once you get used to it. Players are provided with all the best gear to get started, and it’s no surprise that many of the players stick with this server until they rank up to the top!

Wild Prison

Server IP: play.wildprison.net

Wild Prison provides a perk that not many other servers include: pets. This sets it apart from most other Prison servers, including some on this list. Some players might also consider it a benefit that this server doesn’t have a huge max player count, as it makes it easier to make sense of what is going on in the chat. All things considered, Wild Prison is a solid choice for players who like the classic Prison server experience.


Server IP: play.opblocks.com

Going the opposite direction of Wild Prison, the prison server on OPBlocks goes a little more crazy. This prison server has a candy theme with extraordinary builds that are sure to draw in anyone with a sweet tooth. Players even feel like their character has been given a ton of sugar because of the insanely fast mining speed. The theme of this server sets it apart from the others, as few prison servers are fully dedicated to the atmosphere.


Server IP: play.mccentral.org

We wanted to include MCCentral on this list because of its simplicity. While many players are okay with hyper-sensory servers that provide a ton of perks and complicated mechanics, MCCentral appeals more to the players who want to take their time and keep things light. It still has plenty of perks and additional features, but they’re not overly complicated to learn.

That’s it for our list of the best Minecraft Prison Servers! Be sure to visit our Minecraft Homepage to see the latest news, content, and guides for the world’s most popular game!

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