With Minecraft servers being as popular as they are, it can be difficult for you to distinguish between good or bad servers of a specific type. Most Minecraft Servers cover many types of games, and almost none of them are exclusively for the type we were focused on with this list: Parkour. For that reason, we’re making a list of the Minecraft Servers with the best Parkour games and maps, rather than a list of Parkour-only servers.

We took in several factors to determine which ones are the best Parkour servers: popularity, rating, difficulty, and variety. With this list, you’re sure to find some of the best parkour setups available. However, we’re always open to more possible options. If you think a parkour server deserves to be on this list, feel free to message the details to us at [email protected]!

The Shortlist

  • ParkourCraft: me.parkourcraft.comMineverse: mineverse.comCubecraft: play.cubecraft.netMinecube: join.minecube.comSnapCraft: play.snapcraft.net

Before you continue, we’d like to note: These are not in any specific order. Labeling something as the best depends entirely on what you like!

Best Minecraft Parkour Servers

We have provided the IP, a screenshot or trailer, and a brief description to tell you what you’ll find for each server listed below.


Server IP: me.parkourcraft.com

While most servers host many types of games, this one is unique in that its primary game type is Parkour (what would you expect with a name like that?). This may be one of the smaller servers on our list with a cap of 300 users, but you can tell that it focused on quality over quantity. It features over 150 levels to complete, ranging from Easy to Unbeatable, with each one awarding you coins you can use to purchase things like perks, cosmetics, and plenty of other rewards.


Server IP: mineverse.com

Mineverse has a simple setup for its Parkour world: you start off at Level I, and have to complete each level to move on to the next one, all the way up to Level 24. This parkour focuses more on vertical ascension rather than figuring out how to get across obstacles. From Level 1 to Level 24, the entire world is stacked on top of each other, with each floor holding four levels.


Server IP: play.cubecraft.net

Cubecraft is an extremely popular server that generally has anywhere between 2,000 to 4,000 players online at a time, and for a good reason. They host one of the best parkour maps that blends linear and open exploration together perfectly. You can skip ahead to the more difficult levels (once you have accumulated enough coins) if you want to pass over the easy ones, but each area can have three or more levels that you must beat in order. On top of all the solo maps it has, you can also challenge a friend in their Competitive Parkour mode!


Server IP: join.manacube.com

Perhaps the most important thing to say about Manacube is that in its parkour section has over 1000 courses. Per usual, these courses range from easy to expert, with some VIP servers added if you want an additional challenge. You are allowed to enter each course in one of three modes: normal (no restrictions), Challenge (no speed modifiers or Ender Pearls), or Practice (flying enabled). Completing all the levels will likely take months, so you know you’ll have your work cut out for you!


Server IP: play.snapcraft.net

Perhaps the most important thing to say about Manacube is that its parkour section has over 1000 courses. Per usual, these courses range from easy to expert, with some VIP servers added if you want an additional challenge. You are allowed to enter each course in one of three modes: normal (no restrictions), Challenge (no speed modifiers or Ender Pearls), or Practice (flying enabled). Completing all the levels will likely take months, so you know you’ll have your work cut out for you!

That’s it for our list of the best Minecraft Parkour Servers! Be sure to visit our Minecraft Homepage to see the latest news, content, and guides for the world’s most popular game!

Want to see our lists of the best maps in Minecraft? Check out our list of the Best Adventure Maps, or maybe our list of the Best Puzzle Maps!