Minecraft Adventure Maps are almost as old as the game itself. With how big Minecraft has become, thousands of players are joining every single day. This means that every day adds more opportunities for someone to want to make a new Minecraft adventure for us to enjoy. With every new version comes new maps and new mechanics to use, making newer maps bigger and better than ever.

We’ve picked these maps based on critical components such as Playability, Popularity, and Rating. All maps listed below work in version 1.19. More will be updated as time moves on, so be sure to check back here often for new adventures worth exploring!

Although it is rare, some Minecraft maps require the player to install mods or resources packs to best engage with the experience. For help with this, check out our guide on how to install mods in Minecraft, and also check out our list of the best Minecraft mods!

Best Minecraft Adventure Maps List

  • Radiant City Official: Map PageMidland - A Red Cross Knights Story: Map PageWorlds Collide: Map PageHorizon City - Advanced World: Map Page

Best Minecraft Adventure Maps

Radiant City Official

Radiant City Official: Download Page

This immersive map is packed full of content that will entertain the adventurous spirit for hours on end. It gives players a beautiful world full of rich story, beautiful environments, and an incredible and extravagantly designed city. You’ll find all the classic elements expected from an adventure map, especially if you have an explorer’s spirit. The game has amassed almost 200,000 downloads on Curseforge, making it one of the most popular maps in the world!

Midland - A Red Cross Knights Story

Midland - A Red Cross Knights Story: Download Page

Midland brings the medieval fantasy to your home and makes you feel like you are living your life in the 12th century—but with zombies and magic! It presents a world full of heroism of quests and puts you right in the center as the main protagonist. Although originally made for 1.18, it has been updated to work with Minecraft 1.19, and stands as one of the most popular medieval fantasy maps currently available!

Worlds Collide

Worlds Collide: Download Page

Although it isn’t as popular as some of the other maps on this list, what World’s Collide lacks in number of downloads it makes up for by being an authentic Minecraft adventure. Many players claim it feels like a vanilla Minecraft world, but with a rich story that adds exactly what standard Minecraft survival is missing. This map will make you feel like you felt when you experienced Minecraft for the first time—the heart-pounding dangerous situations, the incredible scenerey, and the strong desire for more.

Horizon City - Advanced World

Horizon City - Advanced World: Download Page

Who says adventures have to be based on the past? This is a modern world map that makes an adventure out of exploration. Unlike many other maps, it doesn’t require players to complete quests to progress. However, you’ll find no shortage of a sense of adventure (and danger!) as you hunt for the multitude of secrets hidden around the world.

Want to see some great Minecraft seeds to design Adventure Maps? Check out our Island Seeds and Woodland Mansion Seeds for 1.18!