Diablo 2 is regarded as one the best action role-playing games ever (if not the best), so it’s understandable why its remaster, Diablo II: Resurrected, was met with a standing ovation. Whether you’re new to the game or an experienced demon slayer, you’ll need some bits of advice.

Diablo is about the vicious circle of killing monsters to find better items for killing more monsters. So the best way to become great in this game is to find some unique weapons and armor. To do that, you’ll need some help from items that can detect some great gear. So, in short, you’ll need items to find more items. It may sound strange, but that’s the point of Diablo grind-fest!

Items with the best Magic Find modifier in Diablo II Resurrected

You’ll need the best Magic Find items in Diablo 2 Resurrected to find quality drops. These are items that give you greater chances to get excellent gear. These items have the description: “% Better chance of getting magic items.”

As these percentages stack, aim at around 300% for the best chance of getting some great gear. For better results, some of the best runes in Diablo 2 Resurrected can boost your chances. The best way to raise the odds is to use socketed items and place Ist runes and Perfect Topaz in them.

Blade of Ali Baba Weapon

The Blade of Ali Baba is a unique tulwar (type of sword) weapon. As the name suggests, its primary function is to help you get rich by finding more gold and items. The higher your hero’s level, the better the chance to find something great. Its most essential abilities are:

  • 2.5% extra gold from monsters per character level1% better chance of getting magic items per character levelSocketed (2)

Chance Guards Gloves

Chance Guards are maybe the best gloves in the game for boosting Magic Find. It doesn’t have a fixed percentage as it varies from 25 to 40. It’s not a phenomenal number, but if it gives you a greater chance to find something, you have to use it! Its most important abilities are:

  • 200% extra gold from monstersUp to 40% better chance of getting magic items

Goldwrap Belt

Goldwrap will make you the wealthiest man in Sanctuary, and it’s very fashionable! The extra gold part is excellent, but what you really want is its 30% chance to find magic items. Its most important abilities are:

  • 30% better chance of getting magic itemsUp to 80% extra gold from monsters

Griswold’s Valor Helmet

Griswold’s Valor is a set item, but more importantly, it’s a socketed helmet with solid chances for finding unique items. Its most essential abilities are:

  • Up to 30% better chance of getting magic itemsSocketed (2)

Gull Dagger

You wouldn’t look twice at this dagger if you’re searching for a great weapon. The damage is laughable, and the speed is even worse (-20 Base weapon speed). But that’s not why you’re here, right? What you want is Magic Find, and Gull is all about that! Its most essential abilities are:

  • 100% better chance of getting magic items

Harlequin Crest Shako

Harlequin Crest is a great item introduced in the original Diablo game. It has some great stats, but those are lovely bonuses as you only need to know about Magic Find ability and several sockets. With this cap, you won’t be disappointed!

  • 50% better chance of getting magic items

War Traveler Boots

These War Traveler are made for walking, but that’s not all that they do. They have some great stats, so you can wear them even when you’re not hunting rare items. Its most essential abilities are:

  • 25% faster run and walkUp to 50% better chance of getting magic items

For more information on Diablo 2: Resurrected, check out guides like Best Classes in Diablo 2 Resurrected, How to find waypoints in Diablo 2: Resurrected, and How to complete the Forgotten Tower in Diablo 2 Resurrected on Pro Game Guides.