Lann the Mongrelman from the undercity is one of the neutral-aligned companions players can find early on. He doesn’t have the best of stats to start with, however, he can become a powerful archer as long as he can keep the distance. Let’s go over how he starts, and then how to build him up.

Lann’s Starting Stats

Lann starts as a Lawful Neutral Mongrelman Monk with a Hunter background. His archetype within the Monk class is the Zen Archer, making him focus on distance shots with his bow and escaping the enemy’s grasp. Here are all of his starting abilities.

Lann’s Starting Abilities

  • Improved Unarmed StrikePoint Blank ShotPerfect Strike

Lann’s Starting Stats

  • STR: 17 (+3)DEX: 17 (+3)CON: 14 (+2)INT: 11 (0)WIS: 22 (+6)CHA: 9 (-1)

With such a high wisdom score and his dream of becoming a Crusader, he is the perfect character to multiclass into Cleric. He has some incredible starting stats in general, but in particular for a Cleric, Monk, or even a Fighter.

Multiclassing Lann into a Crusader

With how powerful and distance-based Lann is, making him a support class with this Cleric archetype can make him an incredible companion. As a Crusader, Lann will gain several new abilities and spells. Here is what is available to reach his build-up to the max level available in-game. To get to the 20th level, he can gain up to 14 levels in the Crusader archetype.

Cleric (Crusader) Abilities

  • 1st Level - Domain Selection (), Deity Selection (), Cleric Proficiencies, Channel Energy, Detect Magic, and Crusader Bonus Feat.2nd Level - None3rd Level - None4th Level - None5th Level - Crusader Bonus Feat6th Level - None7th Level - None8th Level - None9th Level - None10th Level - Crusader Bonus Feat11th Level - None12th Level - None13th Level - None14th Level - None

Cleric Spell Options

  • Cantrips - Guidance, Light, Resistance, Virtue, and Divine Zap.1st Level Spells - Bless, Inflict Light Wounds, Haze of Dreams, Summon Monster I, Bane, Protection from Alignment, Firebelly, Unbreakable Heart, Cause Fear, Remove Fear, Ray of Sickening, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Remove Sickness, Magic Weapon, Divine Favor, Stunning Barrier, and Doom.2nd Level Spells - Aid, Bull’s Strength, Grace, Resist Energy, Arrow of Law, Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Bear’s Endurance, Delay Poison, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Sound Burst, Blessing of Courage and Life, Eagle’s Splendor, Owl’s Wisdom, Summon Monster II, Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Effortless Armor, Communal Protection from Alignment, Summon Small Elemental, Boneshaker, Find Traps, Remove Paralysis, and Align Weapon.3rd Level Spells - Animate Dead, Cure Serious Wounds, Prayer, Remove Disease, Archon’s Aura, Communal Delay Poison, Protection from Energy, Communal Resist Energy, Bestow Curse, Inflict Serious Wounds, Remove Blindness, Searing Light, Blindness, Magical Vestment, Remove Curse, Summon Monster III, Contagion, and Dispel Magic.4th Level Spells - Crusader’s Edge, Divine Power, Poison, Spit Venom, Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Communal Protection from Energy, Summon Medium Elemental, Death Ward, Inflict Critical Wounds, Restoration, Summon Monster IV, Dismissal, Neutralize Poison, Shield of Dawn, Chaos Hammer, Great Magic Weapon, Order’s Wrath, Symbol of Revelation, Unholy Blight, and Holy Smite.5th Level Spells - Angelic Aspect, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Raise Dead, Spell Resistance, Boneshatter, Geniekind, Righteous Might, Summon Monster V, Break Enchantment, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Sacred Nimbus, True Seeing, Breath of Life, Profane Nimbus, Serenity, Vinetrap, Burst of Glory, Constricting Coils, Slay Living, Summon Large Elemental, Cleanse, Disrupting Weapon, Life Bubble, Pillar of Life, Flame Strike, and Greater Command.6th Level Spells - Banishment, Cold Ice Strike, Harm, Mass Owl’s Wisdom, Mass Bear’s Endurance, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Heal, Plague Storm, Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic, Hellfire Ray, Summon Monster VI, Mass Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Mass Eagle’s Splendor, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Undeath to Death, Mass Bull’s Strength, Eaglesoul, Inspiring Recovery, Summon Huge Elemental, Chains of Light, Elemental Assessor, Joyful Rapture, Create Undead, and Communal True Seeing.7th Level Spells - Arbitrament, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds, Summon Monster VII, Bestow Grace of the Champion, Destruction, Greater Restoration, Umbral Strike, Blasphemy, Dictum, Summon Greater Elemental, Waves of Ecstasy, Circle of Clarity, Holy Word, Jolting Portent, Word of Chaos, Resurrection, Greater Bestow Curse, and Poison Breath.8th Level Spells - Greater Angelic Aspect, Holy Aura, Death Clutch, Summon Elder Elemental, Fire Storm, Shield of Law, Frightful Aspect, Unholy Aura, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Stormbolts, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Rift of Ruin, Euphoric Tranquility, Summon Monster VIII, Cloak of Chaos, and Soulreaver.9th Level Spells - Energy Drain, Overwhelming Presence, Polar Midnight, Summon Monster IX, Mass Heal, and Winds of Vengeance.

With this Cleric archetype, players can build Lann up as both a support and dangerous archer. Focus on getting healing and buffing spells so that he can properly support the party. Outside of this, he has gained another three feats that should be used on Critical Focus, Blinding Critical, and Dragon Style.

Lann’s Progression in His Base Class

For Lann’s base class, players don’t need to split the build half and half. Instead, to gain the most out of his base class, players should invest in it for the first six levels. This will grant him access to three Zen Archer bonus feats and Ki Arrows.

Monk and Zen Archer Abilities by Level

  • 1st Level - Zen Archer Proficiencies, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Strike, AC bonus, Perfect Strike, Flurry of Blows, and Zen Archer Bonus Feat.2nd Level - Zen Archer Bonus Feat and Way of the Bow (Longbow).3rd Level - Ki Pool, Magic Ki Strike, Fast Movement, Point Blank Master (Longbow), and Zen Archery. 4th Level - Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Ki Power, and Still Mind.5th Level - Ki Arrows6th Level - Ki Power and Zen Archer Bonus Feat

For the three bonus feats, players should consider taking Precise Shot, Dodge, Clustered Shots, and/or Combat Mobility. Precise Shot is an absolute must, which removes the penalty for shooting targets in melee range. Dodge will grant players a +1 to their dodge AC and unlock the Combat Mobility feat. Clustered Shot is unlocked via the Precise Shot feat and causes multiple shots against the same target to take the total damage of all the shots without taking away their damage reduction. Lastly, Combat Mobility increases Lann’s dodge AC by another four points. This feat, in particular, will remove the Dexterity bonus on his AC.

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