There are multiple locations you can choose to drop in Apex Legends. Your starting location can sometimes set the course for the rest of your game, so picking a good one is essential. For Apex Legends Season 11: Escape, a map launched called Storm Point. We believe these are some of the best landing spots for the Storm Point map that will put you and your Apex Legends team on the best path.

Best landing spots on Storm Point

Cascade Falls

Next, we have Cascade Falls, a location right in the middle of Storm Point. While it’s a risky choice for most players, you can always choose to avert your course further north, right in the middle of The Wall and the Command Center. Both of these options are suitable choices. The Command Center can be a good close-quarters encounter if you’re more comfortable with it.

Cenote Cave

The Cenote Caves are another suitable location for you to begin the game. The area is partially covered, with several holes in the cave system, making it a convenient landing location if you want some cover. If you’re going to reach the Barometer, you can travel through a small cave to face off against the spiders and earn some Materials if you can clear them out.


Checkpoint is a suitable starting location with a handful of escape routes available to you. You’ll be able to connect up to the North Pad or The Wall, or you can slip through to the Cascade Falls or fall back to The Mill. There are several choices available to you here, making Checkpoint a suitable stop for anyone unsure where they want to take their team through Storm Point.

Fish Farms

Similar to the Lightning Rod location, the Fish Farms are on the far southeast portion of Storm Point. It has a few more open areas to make traversing it difficult, there’s a small amount of water everywhere, but if your team is the only one who arrives here, you’ll have your choice to make your way to the north towards the Launch Pad, or you can head to the west, to the Gale Station.

Gale Station

Speaking of the Gale Station, this is an excellent location for your team to begin an Apex Legends match. You can have the north wall to your back as you pick through the crates, giving your team plenty of cover and overwatch capabilities. You should only have to worry about other teams approaching you from around the corners of the large rock or from the fish farms. But there’s so much open space between the Gale Station and the Fish Farms. You’ll see them coming.

Lightning Rod

The Lightning Rod won’t always be an option for you. It all depends on the course of your drop ship, so you’ll need to take that into account if you want to go for the Lightning Rod. That being said, there are several loot crates available to you here. The downside to this option is your team could be caught in a corner if multiple teams head to the south at Thunder Watch.

North Pad

The final destination is the North Pad. It’s on the outskirts at the top of the map, close to the map’s northwest. It’s a solid starting position if your drop ship goes near it, with a handful of Supply bins you use to equip your team at the start of the match. Based on how things look, you’ll have several options available to you, making it a flexible map location for any eager Apex Legends team.