In an experience with over 150 unique weapons, it can be hard to pick out the best ones—which is why we’ve done it for you! This quick list will pinpoint the best options from each weapon type in the Roblox FPS Phantom Forces, along with a brief overview of their stats. Keep in mind, however, that these are just our picks, and what works best for us might not work best for you—it’s all dependent on play style and personal preference!

Best assault rifles

  • AK47Pros:Very high damage at close range, high damage at medium range, and decent damage at long rangeGood bullet penetrationDecent range capabilitiesCons:High recoil and drift, can be hard to control if used fully automaticSlower rate of fire when compared to other assault riflesSlightly lower time to kill (TTK) when compared to other assault riflesM16A3Pros:Low recoil when used consistentlyFastest tactical reload time in its classHighest muzzle velocity in its classGood range when compared to other assault riflesCommon ammunition typeCons:High, possibly obstructing muzzle flashFirst shot recoilL85A2Pros:High minimum damage amountVery low recoilSuppressedCons:Slightly obstructive iron sightsSlightly longer reload time when compared to other assault riflesAKMPros:High damage at all rangesGood bullet penetrationLow ammo consumption rateMild vertical recoilCons:Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other assault riflesVery high horizontal recoilBelow average TTK when compared to other assault riflesAUG A2Pros:Good hip-fire accuracy and stabilityGood damage at close range with the ability to three-shot kill (3SK)Decent rate of fireMild vertical recoilCons:High horizontal recoilLow minimum damageSlightly longer reload timeSlightly obstructive iron sights

Best PDWs

  • MP40Pros:Short TTK when compared to other PDWs with the ability to 2SKExtremely low vertical recoilFast reload timeLow ammunition consumption rateCommon ammunition typeUnobstructed iron sightsSlightly above average magazine capacityCons:Slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWsShort damage drop-off rangeFully-automatic onlySlightly high horizontal recoilMAC10Pros:Very high damage in close combatVery high rate of fireFast movement speedSelectable aiming modeShort TTK when compared to all other PDWsCons:Short headshot rangeObstructive iron sightsHigh vertical and horizontal recoilLow minimum and maximum rangeUMP45Pros:High damage when compared to all Phantom Forces weaponsLow horizontal and vertical recoil2SK headshot capabilitiesUnobstructed iron sightsGood bullet penetrationLow ammo consumption rateCons:Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other PDWsLow magazine capacity when compared to other PDWsSlow rate of fireMP5/10Pros:High damage in all rangesFast rate of fireAbove average magazine capacityShort TTKDecent rangeGood middle ground PDWCons:Slightly high horizontal and vertical recoilM3A1Pros:Low horizontal and vertical recoilHighest base damage in its classShort TTK in close combat, utilizes a torso multiplierLow ammo consumption rateDecently long damage range when compared to other PDWsCons:Very slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWsSlightly obstructive iron sights with a high muzzle flashLow muzzle velocity

Best LMGs

  • HK21Pros:High damage at all rangesFast rate of fireVery good bullet penetrationHigh ammunition reserveLarge magazine capacityImpressive close combat abilities for its classCons:Long reload timeExtremely high horizontal recoil that makes the gun hard to controlSlow mobility when compared to other LMGsSlow ADS speedRPK12Pros:Good damage rangeVery fast rate of fire for a burst gunLow horizontal and vertical recoilFastest reload time in its classCons:High muzzle flashPoor bullet penetrationHigh ammunition consumption rateLowest overall damage in its classRPKPros:Highest damage in its classFast reload timeGood bullet penetrationDecent hip fire accuracy and stabilityUnobstructed iron sightsCons:High vertical recoilHigh muzzle flashLow mobilitySlow rate of fireSCAR HAMRPros:Decently long damage rangeVery low gun recoilLarge magazine capacity and ammunition reserveCons:High camera recoilLong reload timeSlow rate of fireMG3KWSPros:High damage at all rangesFastest rate of fire in its classGood bullet penetrationMild recoil, but controllableMassive ammo reserve at 300 bullets, the best out of every Phantom Forces gunCons:High vertical recoilSlow walkspeedLong reload timeHighly obstructing muzzle flashSmall magazines

Best sniper rifles

  • BFG 50Pros:Extremely high damage with a 1SK to the torso or head at any rangeGuaranteed 1SK anywhere within 50 studsHigh muzzle velocityLong steady hand timeCons:Low mobilitySlow ADS speedLowest rate of fire out of all guns in Phantom ForcesLong reload timeInterventionPros:Relatively easy to learn and use, good sniper for both beginners and veteransLarge magazine capacityLong steady hand timeDecently high rate of fire for its classExtremely high damage in close combatHighest default muzzle velocity of all guns in Phantom ForcesCons:Slow ADS speedSlow walk speedLong reload timeTRG-42Pros:Decent muzzle velocityGood steady hand time1SK to any part of the body in close combatVery fast tactical reloadLarge ammo reserveCons:Small magazine capacity when compared to other sniper riflesLow minimum damageLong reload timeSlow movement speedDragunov SVDSPros:Semi-automatic capability removes the need to stop ADS-ing after a bullet is fired1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close to medium rangeLarge magazine capacityDecent rate of fireCons:Long recoil recovery time after shootingSuppressor lessens the chance of 1SKsHecate IIPros:Large magazine capacityBest bullet penetration of all guns in Phantom Forces1SK to the head and torso at all rangesSecond highest muzzle velocity in its classCons:Small ammo reserveExtremely high horizontal and vertical recoilSlow ADS speedLongest reload time of all snipersSlow walk speed

Best carbines

  • Honey BadgerPros:Good hip-fire stability and accuracyFast reload timeGood bullet penetrationUnobstructed iron sightsDecent rate of fireCons:High first shot recoilHigh horizontal and vertical recoilLow muzzle velocityBelow average TTK when compared to other carbinesFAL 50.00Pros:Fast rate of fireHigh damage at all ranges when compared to other carbinesUnobstructed iron sightsDecent bullet penetrationCons:Long reload timeSmall magazine capacity for an automatic weaponSlow movement speedHigh horizontal and vertical recoilG36KPros:Low horizontal recoilAbove average rate of fire when compared to other carbinesHigh damage in close combat, decent damage at medium rangeUnobstructed iron sightsCons:Very high first shot recoilHigh vertical recoilVery low damage at long rangeHigh camera recoilGroza-1Pros:Low horizontal and vertical recoilPre-integrated vertical gripDecent minimum damageDecent reload speedLong damage drop-off rangeCons:Slow TTK in close combatHigh camera recoilNo reload cancelBelow average minimum damage when compared to other carbinesAK12CPros:High damage at all rangesDecent range for its classDecent rate of fireCommon ammunition typeGood all around carbine optionCons:High horizontal and vertical recoilSlightly obstructive iron sightsLow muzzle velocity

Best DMRs

Due to Phantom Forces having such few DMRs, we will be picking the top three instead of five.

  • Very high damage at close range, high damage at medium range, and decent damage at long rangeGood bullet penetrationDecent range capabilities

  • High recoil and drift, can be hard to control if used fully automaticSlower rate of fire when compared to other assault riflesSlightly lower time to kill (TTK) when compared to other assault rifles

  • Low recoil when used consistentlyFastest tactical reload time in its classHighest muzzle velocity in its classGood range when compared to other assault riflesCommon ammunition type

  • High, possibly obstructing muzzle flashFirst shot recoil

  • High minimum damage amountVery low recoilSuppressed

  • Slightly obstructive iron sightsSlightly longer reload time when compared to other assault rifles

  • High damage at all rangesGood bullet penetrationLow ammo consumption rateMild vertical recoil

  • Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other assault riflesVery high horizontal recoilBelow average TTK when compared to other assault rifles

  • Good hip-fire accuracy and stabilityGood damage at close range with the ability to three-shot kill (3SK)Decent rate of fireMild vertical recoil

  • High horizontal recoilLow minimum damageSlightly longer reload timeSlightly obstructive iron sights

  • Short TTK when compared to other PDWs with the ability to 2SKExtremely low vertical recoilFast reload timeLow ammunition consumption rateCommon ammunition typeUnobstructed iron sightsSlightly above average magazine capacity

  • Slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWsShort damage drop-off rangeFully-automatic onlySlightly high horizontal recoil

  • Very high damage in close combatVery high rate of fireFast movement speedSelectable aiming modeShort TTK when compared to all other PDWs

  • Short headshot rangeObstructive iron sightsHigh vertical and horizontal recoilLow minimum and maximum range

  • High damage when compared to all Phantom Forces weaponsLow horizontal and vertical recoil2SK headshot capabilitiesUnobstructed iron sightsGood bullet penetrationLow ammo consumption rate

  • Below-average muzzle velocity when compared to other PDWsLow magazine capacity when compared to other PDWsSlow rate of fire

  • High damage in all rangesFast rate of fireAbove average magazine capacityShort TTKDecent rangeGood middle ground PDW

  • Slightly high horizontal and vertical recoil

  • Low horizontal and vertical recoilHighest base damage in its classShort TTK in close combat, utilizes a torso multiplierLow ammo consumption rateDecently long damage range when compared to other PDWs

  • Very slow rate of fire when compared to other PDWsSlightly obstructive iron sights with a high muzzle flashLow muzzle velocity

  • High damage at all rangesFast rate of fireVery good bullet penetrationHigh ammunition reserveLarge magazine capacityImpressive close combat abilities for its class

  • Long reload timeExtremely high horizontal recoil that makes the gun hard to controlSlow mobility when compared to other LMGsSlow ADS speed

  • Good damage rangeVery fast rate of fire for a burst gunLow horizontal and vertical recoilFastest reload time in its class

  • High muzzle flashPoor bullet penetrationHigh ammunition consumption rateLowest overall damage in its class

  • Highest damage in its classFast reload timeGood bullet penetrationDecent hip fire accuracy and stabilityUnobstructed iron sights

  • High vertical recoilHigh muzzle flashLow mobilitySlow rate of fire

  • Decently long damage rangeVery low gun recoilLarge magazine capacity and ammunition reserve

  • High camera recoilLong reload timeSlow rate of fire

  • High damage at all rangesFastest rate of fire in its classGood bullet penetrationMild recoil, but controllableMassive ammo reserve at 300 bullets, the best out of every Phantom Forces gun

  • High vertical recoilSlow walkspeedLong reload timeHighly obstructing muzzle flashSmall magazines

  • Extremely high damage with a 1SK to the torso or head at any rangeGuaranteed 1SK anywhere within 50 studsHigh muzzle velocityLong steady hand time

  • Low mobilitySlow ADS speedLowest rate of fire out of all guns in Phantom ForcesLong reload time

  • Relatively easy to learn and use, good sniper for both beginners and veteransLarge magazine capacityLong steady hand timeDecently high rate of fire for its classExtremely high damage in close combatHighest default muzzle velocity of all guns in Phantom Forces

  • Slow ADS speedSlow walk speedLong reload time

  • Decent muzzle velocityGood steady hand time1SK to any part of the body in close combatVery fast tactical reloadLarge ammo reserve

  • Small magazine capacity when compared to other sniper riflesLow minimum damageLong reload timeSlow movement speed

  • Semi-automatic capability removes the need to stop ADS-ing after a bullet is fired1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close to medium rangeLarge magazine capacityDecent rate of fire

  • Long recoil recovery time after shootingSuppressor lessens the chance of 1SKs

  • Large magazine capacityBest bullet penetration of all guns in Phantom Forces1SK to the head and torso at all rangesSecond highest muzzle velocity in its class

  • Small ammo reserveExtremely high horizontal and vertical recoilSlow ADS speedLongest reload time of all snipersSlow walk speed

  • Good hip-fire stability and accuracyFast reload timeGood bullet penetrationUnobstructed iron sightsDecent rate of fire

  • High first shot recoilHigh horizontal and vertical recoilLow muzzle velocityBelow average TTK when compared to other carbines

  • Fast rate of fireHigh damage at all ranges when compared to other carbinesUnobstructed iron sightsDecent bullet penetration

  • Long reload timeSmall magazine capacity for an automatic weaponSlow movement speedHigh horizontal and vertical recoil

  • Low horizontal recoilAbove average rate of fire when compared to other carbinesHigh damage in close combat, decent damage at medium rangeUnobstructed iron sights

  • Very high first shot recoilHigh vertical recoilVery low damage at long rangeHigh camera recoil

  • Low horizontal and vertical recoilPre-integrated vertical gripDecent minimum damageDecent reload speedLong damage drop-off range

  • Slow TTK in close combatHigh camera recoilNo reload cancelBelow average minimum damage when compared to other carbines

  • High damage at all rangesDecent range for its classDecent rate of fireCommon ammunition typeGood all around carbine option

  • High horizontal and vertical recoilSlightly obstructive iron sightsLow muzzle velocity

  • MK11Pros:Low horizontal and vertical recoil with a fast recoil recovery speedHigh damage at all rangesCommon ammunition typeFast reload timeSecond largest magazine capacity in its classCons:Small ammunition reserveSlow rate of fireSKSPros:Decent magazine capacityHigh rate of fire when compared to other DMRsHigh damage in close combatDecently fast reload timeCons:Low minimum damageBelow average range when compared to other DMRsLoses accuracy upon rapid firingMSG90Pros:High damage at all ranges1SK and 3SK capabilities to the head and torso at close and medium rangeGood bullet penetrationExtremely high muzzle velocityLargest ammo reserve of its classCons:High vertical recoilSmallest magazine capacity of its classSlow reload timeObstructive iron sights

Best battle rifles

Due to Phantom Forces having such few battle rifles, we will be picking the top three instead of five.

  • Low horizontal and vertical recoil with a fast recoil recovery speedHigh damage at all rangesCommon ammunition typeFast reload timeSecond largest magazine capacity in its class

  • Small ammunition reserveSlow rate of fire

  • Decent magazine capacityHigh rate of fire when compared to other DMRsHigh damage in close combatDecently fast reload time

  • Low minimum damageBelow average range when compared to other DMRsLoses accuracy upon rapid firing

  • High damage at all ranges1SK and 3SK capabilities to the head and torso at close and medium rangeGood bullet penetrationExtremely high muzzle velocityLargest ammo reserve of its class

  • High vertical recoilSmallest magazine capacity of its classSlow reload timeObstructive iron sights

  • Beowulf ECRPros:High damage at close and medium rangeFastest reload time of all other battle riflesExtremely short TTKExtremely stable and accurate hip fireFast rate of fireCan be automatic or burstCons:High recoil when ADS-ingHigh ammo consumption rateSlowest muzzle velocity of all other battle riflesSmall magazine capacitySCAR-HPros:High damage at all rangesDecent rate of fireLow horizontal recoilFast reload time compared to other battle riflesLong damage rangeCons:Small magazine capacityHigh vertical recoilUncommon ammunition typeHigh ammo consumption rateHenry 45-70Pros:1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close rangeFast ADS speedUnobstructed iron sightsFast rate of fire when compared to weapons that do similar amounts of damageCan continue firing while reloadingCons:Very low muzzle velocityLong reload timeSmall magazine capacitySlowest rate of fire of all battle rifles

Best shotguns

Due to Phantom Forces having such few shotguns, we will be picking the top three instead of five.

  • High damage at close and medium rangeFastest reload time of all other battle riflesExtremely short TTKExtremely stable and accurate hip fireFast rate of fireCan be automatic or burst

  • High recoil when ADS-ingHigh ammo consumption rateSlowest muzzle velocity of all other battle riflesSmall magazine capacity

  • High damage at all rangesDecent rate of fireLow horizontal recoilFast reload time compared to other battle riflesLong damage range

  • Small magazine capacityHigh vertical recoilUncommon ammunition typeHigh ammo consumption rate

  • 1SK to the head at all ranges, 1SK to the torso at close rangeFast ADS speedUnobstructed iron sightsFast rate of fire when compared to weapons that do similar amounts of damageCan continue firing while reloading

  • Very low muzzle velocityLong reload timeSmall magazine capacitySlowest rate of fire of all battle rifles

  • Remington 870Pros:High damageDecent range for its classTight pellet spreadSlugs enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges and a 1SK to the torso in close combatCons:Long reload timeSlow rate of fireSlug rounds make it more difficult to hit ranged enemiesStevens DBPros:Has instant-burst capabilitiesVery high damage per pelletFast reload timeFast ADS speed when compared to all other shotgunsHighest maximum damage of its classSecond highest velocity of its classSlug enables a 1SK to the head at all rangesCons:Only two bullets per magazine, constant reloadsCannot attach suppressersRequires a steady hand and good aim to be used efficientlySPAS-12Pros:Decent rate of fireDecently tight pellet spreadSlug enables a 1SK to the head at all rangesFasted reload time of its classCons:Slightly obstructed iron sightsHigh vertical recoil

Best pistols

  • Five SevenPros:Largest magazine capacity of itsHigh damage range when compared to other pistolsFast rate of fireLow vertical recoilVery good bullet penetrationHighest muzzle velocity of its classFast reload timeCons:Uncommon ammunition typeLow minimum damageObstructive recoil animationIn order to get a 3SK, all shots must land on the torsoM45A1Pros:High damage in close combat, decent damage at medium and longe rangeFast reload timeFast rate of fireUnobstructed iron sightsHigh damage rangeCons:High recoil when ADS-ingSmall base magazine capacityGB-22Pros:1SK to the head in close combatFastest reload time of its classAbove-average muzzle velocityFast movement speedRecoil is irrelevant due to the gun being single shotFastest ADS speed of all guns in Phantom ForcesCons:Very low base damageSmall ammo reserveKG-99Pros:Large ammo reserveFast rate of fireCommon ammunition typeLow horizontal and vertical recoilLarge magazine capacityCons:Very low muzzle velocityLow damage at all ranges when compared to other pistolsDesert Eagle L5Pros:Very high damage, 1SK to the head in close combatDecent damage rangeFast reload timeDecent muzzle velocityGood bullet penetrationCons:High horizontal and vertical recoilLow rate of fireUncommon ammo typeVery short damage drop-off range

Best machine pistols

Due to Phantom Forces having such few machine pistols, we will be picking the top three instead of five.

  • High damageDecent range for its classTight pellet spreadSlugs enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges and a 1SK to the torso in close combat

  • Long reload timeSlow rate of fireSlug rounds make it more difficult to hit ranged enemies

  • Has instant-burst capabilitiesVery high damage per pelletFast reload timeFast ADS speed when compared to all other shotgunsHighest maximum damage of its classSecond highest velocity of its classSlug enables a 1SK to the head at all ranges

  • Only two bullets per magazine, constant reloadsCannot attach suppressersRequires a steady hand and good aim to be used efficiently

  • Decent rate of fireDecently tight pellet spreadSlug enables a 1SK to the head at all rangesFasted reload time of its class

  • Slightly obstructed iron sightsHigh vertical recoil

  • Largest magazine capacity of itsHigh damage range when compared to other pistolsFast rate of fireLow vertical recoilVery good bullet penetrationHighest muzzle velocity of its classFast reload time

  • Uncommon ammunition typeLow minimum damageObstructive recoil animationIn order to get a 3SK, all shots must land on the torso

  • High damage in close combat, decent damage at medium and longe rangeFast reload timeFast rate of fireUnobstructed iron sightsHigh damage range

  • High recoil when ADS-ingSmall base magazine capacity

  • 1SK to the head in close combatFastest reload time of its classAbove-average muzzle velocityFast movement speedRecoil is irrelevant due to the gun being single shotFastest ADS speed of all guns in Phantom Forces

  • Very low base damageSmall ammo reserve

  • Large ammo reserveFast rate of fireCommon ammunition typeLow horizontal and vertical recoilLarge magazine capacity

  • Very low muzzle velocityLow damage at all ranges when compared to other pistols

  • Very high damage, 1SK to the head in close combatDecent damage rangeFast reload timeDecent muzzle velocityGood bullet penetration

  • High horizontal and vertical recoilLow rate of fireUncommon ammo typeVery short damage drop-off range

  • 93RPros:Highest muzzle velocity of its classShort TTK, one burst kill in close combatFast rate of fireLarge ammo reserveCons:High horizontal and vertical recoilLow accuracyHigh ammo consumption rateMicro UziPros:Very short TTK, 3SK in close combatFast rate of fireHigh muzzle velocityVery high hip fire accuracy and stabilityCons:Very high horizontal and vertical recoilSlightly obstructive iron sightsHigh ammo consumption rateSmall ammo reserveMP1911Pros:Very high rate of fireHigh damage in close combat, high damage at medium range, decent damage at long rangeShort TTK, 3SK in close combatLow vertical recoilCons:High ammo consumption rateHigh horizontal recoilLong reload timeLow maximum damage range

Best revolvers

Due to Phantom Forces having such few revolvers, we will be picking the top three instead of five.

  • Highest muzzle velocity of its classShort TTK, one burst kill in close combatFast rate of fireLarge ammo reserve

  • High horizontal and vertical recoilLow accuracyHigh ammo consumption rate

  • Very short TTK, 3SK in close combatFast rate of fireHigh muzzle velocityVery high hip fire accuracy and stability

  • Very high horizontal and vertical recoilSlightly obstructive iron sightsHigh ammo consumption rateSmall ammo reserve

  • Very high rate of fireHigh damage in close combat, high damage at medium range, decent damage at long rangeShort TTK, 3SK in close combatLow vertical recoil

  • High ammo consumption rateHigh horizontal recoilLong reload timeLow maximum damage range

  • Mateba 6Pros:High damage in close combat, 1SK to the headDecent reload timeFast rate of fireCons:High camera recoilSlow recoil recovery speedSteep damage drop-off rangeRedhawk 44Pros:High damage at all ranges, 1SK to the head in close combat, 2SK to the torso + head at long rangeFast recoil recovery speedTight hip fire spreadUnobstructed iron sightsFast reload timeCons:Extremely high horizontal and vertical recoil while ADS-ingJudgePros:Works as a pistol/shotgun comboHighest per-pellet damage out of all shotgunLarge ammo reserveSecond highest rate of fire out of all shotgunsTight pellet spreadCons:Small magazine capacity, four pellets per shotHigh horizontal and vertical recoilVery slow recoil recovery speed


That’s our picks for the best guns in Phantom Forces! What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!

  • High damage in close combat, 1SK to the headDecent reload timeFast rate of fire

  • High camera recoilSlow recoil recovery speedSteep damage drop-off range

  • High damage at all ranges, 1SK to the head in close combat, 2SK to the torso + head at long rangeFast recoil recovery speedTight hip fire spreadUnobstructed iron sightsFast reload time

  • Extremely high horizontal and vertical recoil while ADS-ing

  • Works as a pistol/shotgun comboHighest per-pellet damage out of all shotgunLarge ammo reserveSecond highest rate of fire out of all shotgunsTight pellet spread

  • Small magazine capacity, four pellets per shotHigh horizontal and vertical recoilVery slow recoil recovery speed

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