PUBG Mobile and its other versions like BGMI are popular Battle Royale games that dominate the mobile-gaming genre. Players need to have the best possible graphics setting for their devices to understand and perform better in a first-person shooter like PUBG Mobile or BGMI. 

The best graphics for these shooter games will be different for everyone, completely depending on their devices. While some devices support ultra-high-definition gameplay with 90 frames per second, others may not have the same graphics options for PUBG Mobile and BGMI. Players will have to select the settings that run the game smoothly on their device without overheating it or creating lag.

The following presets can be adjusted by players to get the preferred frame rate in PUBG Mobile and BGMI. 

For players with low-end devices that have 2GB to 4GB RAM, use the following settings:

  • Smooth and Low - gives around 20 to 25 FPS (for low-end devices only)Smooth and Medium - gives around 25 FPS

The following is recommended for players with mid-range devices that have 4GB to 6GB RAM:

  • Smooth and High  - gives around 30 FPS Smooth and Ultra - gives around 30 to 40 FPS (depends on the device)

The ultimate settings for PUBG Mobile and BGMI are only recommended for players with high-end devices that have 8GB to 12GB RAM:

  • Smooth and Extreme - gives around 60-75 FPS, players may experience minor stuttering.Smooth and 90 FPS - gives consistent 90 FPS with negligible frame drops.

Players with high-end gaming mobile phones can select graphics options like HD or Ultra HD, but these settings just improve the visual quality while compensating on frames. We recommend players follow the aforementioned settings to experience smooth, lag-free gameplay at the highest frame rate for PUBG Mobile and BGMI.

Wondering how to change your name in PUBG Mobile? Check out How to change your name in PUBG Mobile on Pro Game Guides.