Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord is a lot more intricate when it comes to governors than previous installments. First and foremost, it’s best if a governor shares the town’s culture they govern. In addition, this will prevent the town from developing any negative loyalty buffs.
Best skills and perks for Governors in Bannerlord
Below, we have each skill and the best perks to get with that skill. The perks are listed in the order you can choose them. Some skills are only useful for a few perks.
For more on Mount and Blade check out When is Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord coming to PlayStation? or Best Companions for Caravans in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord here on Pro Game Guides.
- FrugalDrill SergeantStiff Upper LipLogisticianAid CorpsGourmetContractorsMaster of PlanningPrice of Loyalty
- SiegeworksPrison ArchitectMilitary PlannerCarpentersDreadful BesiegerSalvagerForemanStonecuttersSiege EngineerBattlementsEngineering GuildsApprenticeshipClockworkArchitectural Commissions
- On the MarchPick Them Off the WallsMake Them PayGens d’armes
- Forest KinVillage NetworkVanguard
- Triage TentPristine StreetsBush DoctorPerfect HealthPhysician of the PeopleClean InfrastructureHelping HandsBattle Hardened
- Effort for the PeoplePromotorNatural LeaderMoral Leader
- Know-HowIn Best LightScar FaceWhite LiesOne of the FamilySalt of the EarthArms DealerDirty Fighting
- Raise the MeekAuthorityHeroic LeaderVeteran’s RespectCitizen militia
- Villager ConnectionsContent TradesGranary AccountantTradeyard ForemanSelf Made ManSpring of GoldTrickle Down