Steam is a great resource for gamers. Not only are there a plethora of games to choose to purchase, Steam even offers some games free. This is great for players on a budget or just those who appreciate a good deal. These free-to-play games come in many styles, including two-dimensional (2D) animation.

2D Free-to-Play Steam Games

Games in 2D bring back nostalgia and interest for many players. Here are the best ones from Steam.



Brawlhalla is a cross-platform fighting game with mechanics that will remind players of Super Smash Bros. from Nintendo. Character options are unique and expressive, giving gamers the ability to express themselves through their fighters. Using a wide variety of controls and fighting styles, Brawlhalla gives players an exhilarating gaming experience that doesn’t cost them a penny.

AdVenture Capitalist

AdVenture Capitalist is a classic style clicking simulator where players can earn riches, even if by unethical means. Players start out with no money but begin quickly working their way up the ranks to gain wealth. This game is great for gamers who may not have time to attend to it often, as the gameplay and (money accrual) continue on in the background while the player is away.


Helltaker is an indie game with puzzle-solving mechanics and suggestive gameplay. Definitely not for all audiences, this game is a great way for adults to enjoy a more simple way of gaming that has an adorable art style. The game features demon girls and Hell as the setting, giving a macabre feel to the otherwise anime-inspired game. Players can work their way through the underworld to make it to the final boss.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a game based on Dungeons & Dragons that allows players to complete adventures in order to collect more characters from their favorite DnD works. The game relies on gamers utilizing strategy to finish their missions and level up to receive more characters. There are also familiar settings from DnD installments to explore.


Transformice is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game with a strong cult following that allows players to choose a mouse to represent them as they work their way through levels in search of a block of cheese. The game doesn’t take itself too seriously, allowing players to run around while focusing on having fun. Transformice relies on keyboard controls to move the players.

Want to read more about games on Steam? Read Steam Free Games List (March 2021) – Schedule, Current, and Upcoming Games on Pro Game Guides.