As was the case with Diablo 3, the end game of Diablo Immortal is shaped by the top players and, conversely, the top builds. The key to climbing the ranks of the greatest Diablo Immortal players will require plenty of skill, but the best build possible for each class will help to back that skill up. With that in mind, here is one of the top-performing Necromancer builds.

The best Diablo Immortal Necromancer build

Balanced build

This build is a well-balanced Necromancer build that pokes its head into some of the class’ best skills rather than fully committing to any single path. For example, while the build summons plenty of minions, it does not fully focus on just minions, instead choosing to invest in other skills and passives. With that in mind, below you’ll find the skills for the build:

  • Soulfire: The first ability Necromancers receive is also a mainstay. Offering consistent damage that explodes into other nearby enemies is already major upside, but a gear piece later pushes this skill even further. Command Skeletons: An ability with a passive that summons skeleton minions to fight and tank damage along with an active skill that causes the skeletons to charge at a location and gives a huge attack speed boost makes this skill irreplaceable. Bone Armor: Bone Armor is much less flashy when compared to the other abilities on this list, but the armor it gives can boost survival in the toughest of fights. Furthermore, an item listed below makes the skill deal good damage as well as making nearby enemies take more damage. Command Golem: If you were a fan of the skeletons you get to summon, you’ll also be happy to summon a corpse golem that deals big damage, takes hits easily, and stuns enemies it hits. Though this skill must be manually activated as opposed to the automatic skeleton summons, the golem is definitely worth the ability slot. Corpse Explosion: With all of the AoE damage you and your minions will be doing, Corpse Explosion becomes one of your main damage-dealing tools. Allowing you to detonate nearby dead enemies, this ability deals massive AoE damage, creating more corpses and continuing the damage cycle.

Balanced build gear

Like the skills, the gear for this build is balanced between all its skills, offering helpful boosts to each. This varies from something simple like duration increases to adding a completely new effect to a skill, changing drastically.

  • Visitant’s Sign: A helmet piece, Visitant’s Sign passively increases the duration of Command Golem by a great 20%. Covet Nothing: Covet Nothing is the item mentioned above that makes Bone Armor deal damage and increases the damage enemies take. This is the premiere chest piece for Bone Armor Necromancers. Rotspurs: The Rotspur shoulders turn the already powerful Corpse Explosion into a nuclear weapon by giving each instance of Corpse Explosion a lasting poison cloud that deals huge damage over time to enemies within it. Graven Bulwark: Another gear piece that buffs Bone Armor, the Graven Bulwark leggings increase the skill’s uptime by 20%. Desolatoria: The main hand weapon for the build turns the summoned golem into a flaming monstrosity that deals constant AoE damage to enemies near it. Baleful Trinity: Your offhand item of choice will be Baleful Trinity because it makes Soulfire bounce to an additional target, further improving its strong AoE potential.

While the primary gear pieces spread their focus across all of the build’s skills, the best set for the build, Shepherd’s Call to Wolves, focuses entirely on buffing your minions. The set pieces can be found below:

  • Neck: Shepherd and Architech Ring: Shepherd and Mother Ring: Shepherd and Father Hand: Shepherd and Beastmaster Waist: Shepherd and Begetter Feet: Shepherd and Leader

The set reaches break points at two, four, and six pieces. At two, the wearer’s summons deal increased damage. At four, each active summon increases critical hit chance. Lastly, at six whenever a summon critically hits an enemy, all of your summons enter a frenzy, increasing their damage and attack speed for a short time.

Balanced build gems

  • Blood-Soaked Jade: This gem offers up to an 8% increase in damage that scales with your life stat, as well as a movement speed bonus of up to 10%, making it a great versatile choice. Seeping Bile: This gem gives your attacks a 4% chance to poison enemies, inflicting them with a heavily damaging effect that ticks every six seconds. Furthermore, this poison spreads to nearby enemies if the target dies. Freedom and Devotion: More summons is always better, and this gem increases the duration of all of your summons by 8%. Follower’s Burden: This gem gives you a flat increase in damage for each summon you currently control. Each summon gives a 1% damage bonus that caps out at 6%. Echoing Shade: One of two very unique and powerful gems in this build, this one gives your attacks a 15% chance to summon a shadow clone of yourself that will cast some of your abilities for eight seconds. Zwenson’s Haunting: The second extremely unique gem, Zwenson’s haunting, summons a dark beast upon killing an enemy that damages surrounding enemies. Furthermore, this beast can be summoned every six seconds, making it a scary consistent source of damage.

Looking for more information on Diablo Immortal? Check out Diablo Immortal Final Boss guide – How to beat Skarn and How to farm for Legendary Gems in Diablo Immortal from Pro Game Guides!