Our Best Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Decks features the absolute top lists in the meta that are being tried out in the new expansion! The meta is going to be raw for a week or two, but we’ll be constantly updating this post with the decks that are proving themselves at a higher tier than the rest.

Descent of Dragons is the final expansion of the Year of the Dragon in Hearthstone! The last expansion is usually the craziest because Blizzard knows that it will be in the rotation for the shortest amount of time. Based on predictions from the community, it looks like this is absolutely going to be the case with this set. There’s a lot of pretty insane cards being added, and that includes the five new Galakrond Hero Cards that you will get for free for logging into the game during the release!

Decks will be filtering in and out of this list as we learn what is working and what isn’t. Early on in the expansion, these decks will be very raw and it will take at least a couple of weeks before things are refined and the meta settles in. Always craft cards with extreme caution in the early parts of an expansion.

Nerfs Coming Next Week!

If you’re already sick of Galakrond Shaman then don’t worry too much, it looks like they will be nerfing it next week according to Blizzard:

It’s also possible that Faceless Corruptor gets nerfed as well, but we don’t know for sure.



  • 12/13/19 (8:00am PT) - All deck lists have been updated with the most up-to-date options with the highest winrates! 12/12/19 (7:30am PT) - Added a few new decks and updated some others. Shaman is still the class to beat right now. 12/11/19 (6pm PT) - More decks that hit #1 Legend have been added. Some deck guides have been updated with more recent lists! 12/11/19 (6:30am PT) - Added some high winrate lists! Winrates listed are what they were at the time of placing them in the post. 12/10/19 (7:20pm PT) - Added some #1 Legends lists and have updated a bunch more! 12/10/19 - Adding some pro decks lists now, but again they are very raw so craft carefully! 12/9/19 - This first batch of lists is purely going to be speculation, so check back often as we update this list throughout the day of the release!

Updated Guides

We’re starting to updated our deck guides with proven lists, check them out here:

  • Galakrond Zoolock Pure Paladin Galakrond Rogue Dragon Highlander Mage Pirate Warrior Galakrond Shaman

Best Descent of Dragons Decks

We’re featuring some of the best pro decks, and along with those we have some deck guides for you to better learn how to pilot some of these new lists.

Druid Decks

Druid walks into Descent of Dragons with a pretty popular couple of versions of Quest Druid. You can run it with or without Malygos . Token Druid has also been a fan favorite, and has seen a fair amount of play. The new expansion has brought some additional support for that type of deck, but largely pushes it towards Treants. We’re also getting some Dragon cards as well, but it’s unclear if a deck focused on that synergy will be viable.

Deck Guides

  • Treant Druid

58% Winrate Treant Druid

Hunter Decks

Hunter has been one of the more powerful classes in the recent meta. It has a very popular Secret Highlander Hunter that has been frequently used, but also the more aggressive Mech Hunter has seen play as well. The new set features some powerful Dragon options, but also looks to support the Highlander option as well.

  • Dragon Hunter

61% Winrate Quest Hunter

59% Winrate Secret Highlander Hunter

58% Winrate Mech Hunter

Mage Decks

Mage has seen better days and has largely leaned on Highlander options to get by in the recent meta. It is looking to return to form with some powerful Dragon options, but also could be going back to the old days with some potential for Elemental synergy. The new set seems solid, but it remains to be seen if it’s enough to bring Mage back into the top parts of the meta.

  • UPDATED: Dragon Highlander Mage

59% Winrate Dragon Highlander Mage

Paladin Decks

Paladin kind of limped its way into the new set by utilizing a few different decks. Murloc, Highlander, and Holy Wrath were some of the options that saw play. While the class has flirted with Dragons in the past, predictions for Paladin in this set have been kind of bleak. They did get some good cards, it’s just not fully clear if it will be enough to take them over the top against already established classes.

  • UPDATED: Pure Paladin Dragon Paladin

58% Winrate Holy Wrath Paladin

55% Winrate Pure Paladin

Priest Decks

Priest has mostly just been utilizing a Combo variant and has had little else to hangs its hat on. It is one of the classes that got a Galakrond, so you will likely see a lot of variants attempting to utilize their version. Dragons are very familiar to the class, but they don’t have the synergy they’ve had in the past. The class did get some solid options though, so look for Priest to make some moves in the new expansion.

  • Galakrond Priest

55% Winrate Combo Priest

Rogue Decks

Rogue has been treading in the bottom area of the meta. It has mostly been running Tempo decks, so fans of the class are likely looking forward to a change of pace. Well, you can start to get your hopes up a bit because they did get some seemingly powerful cards. It got a Galakrond, so you’ll be seeing a lot of that in the early days of the meta. It also got some Dragon synergy, which is new for the class. Umbral Skulker in particular seems like a nice addition to a Miracle shell, which will need to include Galakrond, but the card does synergize with it pretty well.

  • UPDATED: Galakrond Rogue

60% Winrate Deathrattle Rogue

59% Winrate Galakrond Deathrattle Rogue

Shaman Decks

Shaman has been the most popular class in the late stages of the meta due to the addition of some Wild cards to the game. Evolve took over the meta, and while that card has been sent back to the shadow realm, the class is still quite powerful with its aggressive deck full of Murlocs. Descent of Dragons is seemingly bringing in some more powerful options with cards like Surging Tempest and Storm’s Wrath which will power up aggressive options. They also got possibly the strongest Galakrond, with Galakrond, the Tempest . While it isn’t a certainty, it is possible that Shaman continues its reign at the top.

  • UPDATED: Galakrond Shaman

67% Winrate Galakrond Shaman

62% Winrate Quest Galakrond Shaman

57% Winrate Murloc Shaman

57% Aggro Overload Shaman

Warlock Decks

Warlock largely relied on Zoolock to maintain any type of foothold in the meta. If you are a Warlock fan, it was dark days for you in these recent times. Hope does possibly smile upon you with the addition of Descent of Dragons. Warlock received a Galakrond that looks solid, and even got some Handlock support with Abyssal Summoner and Valdris Felgorge . If you like Dragons, you’ve got some options, both Zzeraku the Warped and Crazed Netherwing seem very solid.

  • UPDATED: Galakrond Zoolock Dragon Warlock

59% Galakrond Warlock Zoo

59% Winrate Handlock

Warrior Decks

Warrior was riding hide initially in the Uldum meta, but a nerf to Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and the addition of some Wild cards made it drop down the list. While it still had some options, it was largely a relegated to the back of the pack. Descent of Dragons looks to bring it back an infamous deck from its past! That’s right, Pirate Warrior is back on the menu. Love it or hate it, but one of the premiere aggro decks is likely going to see play in the Dragons meta. It got some great support from class cards like Sky Raider , Skybarge , and Ancharrr . Not only that, it event got a very solid neutral option in Parachute Brigand . If you aren’t a fan of that style of play, Warrior also received a GAlakrdon card and some Dragons to play with. Things are looking up for you Warriors out there!

  • UPDATED: Pirate Warrior

60% Winrate Pirate Warrior

60% Winrate Galakrond Warrior