We’re taking a look at the Best Demon Hunter Counter Decks that you can find in Hearthstone right now! It’s no secret that the new class is dominating the meta right now, but there are some options that you can take to the ladder that can at least put up a fight against its domination. We’ll be cycling decks in and out of this post as better options become available.

If you’re looking to play the class, we’ve got a post with all the Best Demon Hunter Decks as well! We’ve also got a look at the Best Ashes of Outland Decks, so you can find some more options to take to the ladder once Demon Hunter is nerfed!

Demon Hunter Nerfs

The first round of nerfs hit four different cards:

  • Skull of Gul’dan – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6. Imprisoned Antaen – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6. Eye Beam – Outcast Mana cost increased from 0 to 1. Aldrachi Warblades – Durability decreased from 3 to 2.

Demon Hunter also got hit with a second batch that has hopefully brought them into a better stat. This time three cards were targeted:

  • Altruis the Outcast - Cost increased from 3 to 4. Attack increased from 3 to 4. Battlefiend - Attack decreased from 2 to 1. Glaivebound Adept - Attack decreased from 7 to 6.

The class is likely still going to be strong, but this should hopefully make them less powerful!

Best Demon Hunter Counter Decks

The best counters for Demon Hunter right now are Face Hunter, Dragon Hunter, Control Warrior, and Egg Warrior. The Hunter and Warrior class seem to give Demon Hunter trouble. Hunter is aggressive and can beat the class to the punch, and Warrior is able to keep them off the board with weapons and minions.

Tempo Demon Hunter is the deck we’re targeting for counter because it’s far and away the most popular list for the class.

Face Hunter

Face Hunter just flat out beats the Demon Hunter deck in aggression. Hunter’s hero power allows it to get sustained damage in on our opponent, and we use their own hero power against them if they try to use it to trade into our minions. We’ve got a lot of direct damage spells, as well as multiple ways to get Leper Gnomes on the board for damage. Eaglehorn Bow represents a nice chunk of damage if we direct it at the face, and the deck even has some AOE to deal with some of the low health minions that they have in the early game.

Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunter is also a pretty aggressive deck and features a lot of the same problems for Demon Hunter that the Face list does. The big difference is that the Dragons bring quite a bit to the table in utility and can help the deck last into the later stages of the game. You’ve also got an interesting little burst combo potentially from hand with Stonetusk Boar and Scavenger’s Ingenuity.

Control Warrior

I’m almost not sure why this is being reference to as Control Warrior by most places because it bears very little semblance to the old versions of this deck. The Control Warrior of the past was extremely slow and would just grind you out by gaining tons of armor. The style that is popular now is much more of a midrange option and utilizes minions that benefit from being damaged. We’re mostly just beating up our opponent with some high stat cards in the early game and tutoring weapons out of our deck with Corsair Cache. If the DH can’t stay on the board, we can punish them with buffed minions and even draw some cards in the mid-game with Battle Rage.

Egg Warrior

This deck is barely any different then the previous Control Warrior list. The obvious main difference is that it uses Serpent Egg which is a great target for your Inner Rage and Rampage buffs. It’s also a card that can remain damaged because your opponent will not want to remove it and pop it open. The deck also uses Teron Gorefiend which works well with the egg, but also just wide boards in general. It’s a great card to pair with Bomb Wrangler if you can get it to pop out a few Boom Bots!

That’s all the counters we know for Demon Hunter at the moment. The class is much less dominant after the two rounds of nerfs that hit the game, so you should be able to find a deck that can fight them off!