No Man’s Sky is getting plenty of renewed hype with the announcement and nearing the release of its next update, Beyond. The update is going to introduce a handful of new features, such as the 32 players multiplayer feature, VR support, and so many more, they’re updating the version number to a 2.0 model. There’s plenty of going on with the game, and there’s a strong likelihood a new range of players are going to jump in when the update goes live on Aug. 14. For those who want to get ready and prepare to join in, are there any deals going on for No Man’s Sky? There is a handful happening right now. Do you have multiple consoles? Here’s a break down of what’s available to everyone, right now, and how long you have to go for the deal.

Best Deals for No Man’s Sky


For those who are on Steam right now, you’re going to notice No Man’s Sky has steadily gone up in the rankings in the Top Selling games section. While the game initially released in 2016, it’s coming back around. It’s on the Top Selling charts because of the great deal going on right now. If you jump over to Steam, you should find the game available for half off, cutting it down to $29.99. However, the deal won’t last forever. It’s only going to be around until Aug 21. You’ll want to pick it up reasonably soon, and if you’re going to wait until you hear how the media and your friends like the Beyond update, you should have plenty of time as that releases on Aug. 14.

You have a full week to make your decision before the deal goes away, and you have to pay full price for it at $59.99.

The same deal is going on with GoG. If you have a preference between the two options, you don’t have to pick between them. However, GoG does not have a strict listing of when the No Man’s Sky is going to go away, so you may have more time to make your decision. It’s probably a better idea to not test your luck, though, and treat the deadline of the deal to last until Aug. 21. If you’re having conflicts between the two services, you may want to learn more towards acquiring the game on GoG, as they have a 30-day return policy. So, if you’re not sure your friends are going to stick with the game, and after a month you want to return it, you can do so with relative ease.


The deals for consoles vary, depending on what website you visit. Unfortunately, it looks like the digital versions for the Xbox One version are going to prove the most expensive, as they only have a 30 percent deal available. However, the PlayStation 4 version may have the best deal among anyone else. With the PlayStation 4, you can purchase the game for 50 percent off, but the total price is $49.99. So with the discount, PlayStation 4 players can pick up No Man’s Sky for $24.99. Much like the Steam deal, it’s only going to last until Aug. 21, so you can wait a few days after Beyond releases to see how everyone appreciates it.

Here’s a break down of some of the deals you’re going to get for the consoles version, along with the particular websites, stores, and if they’re digital or physical copies.

  • Xbox One: $34.99
  • PlayStation 4: $24.99

It looks like those looking to get a good deal for the PlayStation 4 are better off sticking with the game’s digital version. You’re likely going to get a better deal with the digital version, as long as you’re willing to endure the time it’s going to take to download it, and you have the hard drive space.

Make sure to grab the game for the Aug. 14 update Beyond. Many of the deals are going to turn off on Aug. 21, so