Apex Legends is one of the few competitive battle royale games that enjoy a higher percentage of controller players even on the PC platform. This situation is mainly due to the overpowered nature of the controller aim assist feature that can destroy any mouse & keyboard players in close/mid-range battles. As a result, several M&K users, including professional players like Imperialhal, have transitioned to using controllers regularly. On that note, if you are a new controller player or a player transitioning from using a mouse and looking for some controller settings/sensitivity to begin. Don’t worry, we have you covered everything from Layout to the ALC settings.

Best ALC Controller Settings in Apex Legends

Gameplay Settings- Reticle

Controller Settings

Use Default, Button Jumper, Button Puncher, or Grenadier stick layouts. All of them are equally viable as it boils down to the style you prefer.

Controller Settings - Movement/Aiming

Controller Settings - ALC

Controller Settings - Per Optic Settings

Controller Settings - Target Compensation

Best Non-ALC/Classic Apex Legends Controller Settings

Similar to the ALC users you can use Default, Button Jumper, Button Puncher, or Grenadier for your Stick Layout.

For more on Apex Legends, check out How to get better at Apex Legends and How to create a Private Match in Apex Legends – Custom game codes on Pro Game Guides.