The Engineer class in Guild Wars 2 combines various combat styles. The Engineer allows players to live their steampunk goals while providing unique gameplay mechanics and utility. Like with all classes in Guild Wars 2, there are a variety of different ways to play an Engineer, but if you’re looking to play the best possible builds, these are some of the options.

Like the Elementalist class, engineers are limited to a single weapon during combat. This means that you’ll need to pick your weapon carefully before engaging and understand your combination and utility rotations well.



  • Inventions – Ally Ward – Soothing Detonation – Anticorrosion PlatingAlchemy – Protection Injection – Elixir E – HGHHolosmith – Prismatic Converter – Crystal Configuration: Zephyr – Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

Utility Skills:

  • Elixir GunHard Light ArenaElite Mortar Kit

You can add another optional Utility to your bar based on your personal preference or what feels best for you. Options for this include the Thumper Turret, Elixir U, or Spectrum Shield.

Healing Skill should be Elixir H.


Sword and Shield. Your sigils for combat should probably be Sigil of Intelligence and Sigil of Energy, though if you’re looking to last longer in combat, you can use Sigil of Cleansing. Your PvP Rune should be either a Rune of the Dolyak or the Herald, and your Amulet can be either the Berserker or Demolisher Amulet.

Raid: Support Healer Build

  • Inventions – Ally Ward – Soothing Detonation – Medical Dispersion FieldAlchemy – Health Insurance – Comeback Cure – HGHScrapper – Gyroscopic Acceleration – Damage Dampener – Kinetic Accelerators

  • Bulwark GyroElixir GunBlast GyroElite Mortar Kit

Healing Skill should be the Med Kit.

Your armor will be mainly the Harrier stats. For that, you will want the Ascended armor from Zehtuka’s line. Your Hands will be the only piece of armor that is Magi stats and it should be Hronk’s Grips. Your Backpiece, Accessories, and Rings should all be Magi stats with the Amulet as Harrier.

Your weapons will be a Pistol and Shield, both with the Harrier stats.

Both weapons are also going to come from Zehtuka’s line. You’ll want to equip a Superior Sigil of Concentration and a Superior Sigil of Transference for your weapons. Along with this, your Runes for your armor should all be Superior Runes of the Monk, and you’re going to need Healing +9 Agony Infusions for your accessories and amulets.

Raid: Power Sword D.P.S.

  • Firearms – High Caliber – No Scope – Modified AmmunitionExplosives – Glass Cannon – Explosive Temper – Big BoomerHolosmith – Solar Focusing Lens- Crystal Configuration: Eclipse – Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

  • Grenade KitRifle TurretLaser DiskPrime Light Beam

Healing Skills should be the A.E.D.

All your armor should be from the Ascended line of Zojja. You’re looking for the Berserker stats on all the armor pieces. For your Backpiece and one of your Rings, you’ll want Dragon stats which are:

  • PowerPrecision VitalityFerocity

The rest should all be the same Berserker Stats. Your weapons will be a Sword and a Pistol from Suun’s Ascended line, meaning they will have the Dragon’s stats. Your weapons should be equipped with a Superior Sigil of Force and a Superior Sigil of Impact.

The Runes needed for your armor are the Superior Runes of the Scholar, and you’ll want Mighty +9 Agony Infusion for your Rings and Accessories. For those players who want to play range, you can switch out the Sword and Pistol and replace them with a Rifle from the Zojja Ascended line. If you use the Rifle, your Sigils will be a Superior Sigil of Force and a Superior Sigil of Impact.


  • Explosives – Short Fuse – Blast Shield – Big BoomerFirearms – Chemical Rounds – Thermal Vision – Incendiary PowderHolosmith – Solar Focusing Lens – Crystal Configuration: Eclipse – Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit

As PvE is less punishing for individualized builds, you can use plenty of different options based on your preferences. Some suggested Utility Skills include:

  • Grenade KitBomb KitLaser DiskPrime Light Beam

Healing Skill can be A.E.D.

Your equipment can be Ascended, but Exotic tier works well too. You’ll want to try and equip Celestial stats on your armor, weapons, and equipment slots. If you don’t have Celestial, you can replace it with Rabid gear. Your weapons will be a Sword and Pistol with the Superior Sigil of Bursting and Superior Sigil of Energy. Your second weapon will be a Rifle with the Superior Sigil of Bursting and Superior Sigil of Energy. The Runes for your armor should be the Superior Rune of the Traveler.