Regardless of your opinion of the game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has a neat and highly descriptive audio design. While its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2019, had extremely loud sound effects, the audio is more balanced this time. Here’s a guide that will help you fine-tune the in-game audio section of the Modern Warfare 2 settings.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Best audio settings

You can access the following within the Audio tab of the Settings menu:

  • VolumesAudio Mix: HeadphonesMaster Volume: Personal preference, the default value is 100Music Volume: 0Dialogue Volume: 30Effects Volume: 100Hit Marker Volume: 100Speakers/Headphones Game Sound Device: Default System Device, or any other connected device that you want to useVoice ChatVoice Chat: On, disable this if you don’t want communication from your teammatesGame Voice Channel: Choose from three options based on preference:All Lobby - Chat with every teammateParty Only - Chat only with the party membersFriends Only - Chat only with your in-game friends that are in the party voice chatVoice Chat Device: Default System Device or any other connected device that you want to useVoice Chat: Choose between the following two options:Push To Talk - Press and hold a keybind when you want to talkOpen Mic - Your mic remains active all the timeVoice Chat Volume: Personal PreferenceMicrophone Device: Default System Device or any other connected device that you want to useMicrophone Volume: Personal PreferenceAudio Advance SettingsJuggernaut Music: OffMute Game When Minimized: OnReduce Tinnitus Sound: On

Audio settings like Master Volume and Voice Chat Volume should be determined by you depending on how loud you want to hear the game. On the other hand, ask your teammates if they can hear you properly and adjust your Microphone Volume accordingly. We also recommend tuning down the Music and Dialogue Volumes to very low as they add noise to the in-game sound effects and footsteps. That said, in Call of Duty multiplayer, you should ideally not rely on footsteps too much and use map knowledge and awareness to the fullest.

  • All Lobby - Chat with every teammateParty Only - Chat only with the party membersFriends Only - Chat only with your in-game friends that are in the party voice chat

  • Push To Talk - Press and hold a keybind when you want to talkOpen Mic - Your mic remains active all the time

Stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for more Call of Duty content. In the meantime, head over to our article on Best MW2 Vel 46 Loadout – Attachments & Class.