There is no doubt that there are so many cool characters and places, all from within that universe when it comes to Apex Legends. While there is no doubt that skins are the most coveted cosmetic in the game, wallpapers are another great customization option. The Best part about them is that while in-game, they can be selected as a loading screen, out of the game, they can be the perfect desktop background whether you own it in-game or not.

These wallpapers are also official in-game loading screens added to the game over time since launch. Here are the 20 best official Apex Legends wallpapers/loading screens.

A Hero’s Fall

Codename Crypto

Happy Holo-days

High-Speed Interstellar Travel Ain’t Cheap

Humble Witt

Keep The Flame

Legacy - Iwamoto05

Legacy - osamatographe

Legacy - zonotaida

Me, Myself & I

Me, Myself & Regret

Mean Girls

No Guts, No Glory

No More Lies


Record Breaker

The Old Ways

Thrillseekers Arenas


For more Apex Legends content, check out Storm Point map – All Points of Interest (POIs) in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.