DIZO India has been on something of a roll over the last few months, with launches across product categories such as feature phones, smartwatches, earbuds, and more. Interesting as the products are, we had a lot of questions about the company’s strategy and more. So, when DIZO India’s CEO, Abhilash Panda visited us at the Beebom Studio for an exclusive interview with us, it all culminated into the video that’s embedded below this article.

While the interview itself hits the mark with some of the most pressing questions we (and our readers) have about DIZO India, there’s also an exclusive sneak-peek at an upcoming DIZO product towards the end of the interview, which will definitely get you hyped up.

What Did We Ask DIZO India?

Before you watch the video interview embedded below, you might be interested in knowing the things we asked Mr. Abhilash Panda. Among the questions we posed to him during the interview were topics ranging from the more quirky and chill questions such as the meaning of DIZO, to more serious ones such as DIZO’s partnership with Realme and what it entails, as well as their approach to after-sales service for its products.

Obviously, we also discussed matters such as the response to the company’s feature-phones that were launched back in July. Check out the complete interview above.

Key Takeaways

Now that you’ve watched the video, here are our key takeaways from the exclusive interview:

  • DIZO’s partnership with Realme involves DIZO getting support from Realme in the following ways: Industrial DesignAIOT Supply ChainDIZO doesn’t use Realme’s service centers. Instead, the company has a network of 320 service centers in 310 cities.DIZO’s feature phones have received a pretty good response, especially in the offline market.The company will be focusing more on wearables and TWS earphones for now.In fact, the next product launch from DIZO will be a pair of TWS earphones.

  • Industrial DesignAIOT Supply Chain